Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

Last additions - David Arnold
An Invitation to the Palace 1941442 viewsDavid ArnoldFeb 15, 2011
HMS Penelope ©519 views Chief and POs of HMS Penelope entertain the WOs and Sgts of Tigne Mess on shipboard, C 1938.David ArnoldFeb 04, 2011
HMS Penelope ©444 views Chiefs and POs of HMS Penelope entertain the WOs and Sgts of Tigne Mess on shipboard, C 1938.
David ArnoldFeb 04, 2011
The Arnold Family556 viewsRegular Sunday outing to Armier Bay, c 1938.
5 commentsDavid ArnoldFeb 04, 2011
"Josephina" at Tigne ©366 views Capt Arnold's pride and joy parked opposite Sgts Mess with Bk Sq, hockey pitch and offrs married quarters in the background.
David ArnoldDec 05, 2010
Tigne Barracks ©512 viewsContractors block or MI Room(?), round fort in background. David ArnoldDec 05, 2010
Tigne Barracks 1944 ©483 viewsSame politician on Bk square, admin block (?) in background. David ArnoldDec 05, 2010
Tigne Barracks 1944 ©464 viewsVIP politician (can't remember who) viewing Bk block, c1944.David ArnoldDec 05, 2010
Tigne School461 views Mrs Rachel Arnold - prize giving Tigne School sports day c.1945,David ArnoldDec 05, 2010
RSM (later Capt) CJ Arnold c. 1935. ©417 viewsDavid ArnoldDec 05, 2010
10 files on 1 page(s)