Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

Last comments - abigden
Tigne 19641982 viewsCathy Johnstone, ?, Rod Deas, Chris Pullen, John (Flash) Moore, ?.
3 commentsLantern01/21/16 at 17:53abigden: Carol Morrison (2nd from left), Brian Jackson (2nd...
David Michael Gerrard 1946-2016 (aka Prefect)1995 viewsMy very very sad task to report David's passing on Sunday 17 January. THN Webmaster, Scholar, Sea Captain, Falklands Veteran, Friend and all round Good Bloke, he has gone to stand at the back of the big Assembly in the sky (or is it Detention?). Sahha xbien.

Dave seen here in his role as honorary member of TH ladies-who-lunch (Exeter) club, Sept 2015.

Funeral to take place at 3pm Tuesday 2nd Feb, Weston Mill Crematorium, Plymouth PL2 2EP (easy access from A38).

Please feel free to write tributes below, they can be printed out for the day.
9 commentsMartin Powell01/21/16 at 17:47abigden: So sorry to hear the news. He created a great sit...
Golden Bay 19621091 views From Left Martin Bond, Tom Fraser, Isobel Simpson, Tex and Phyllis, Kevin Claughan, Joe Salerno. Front, Andy Wilkin and Pauline Warner.3 commentsTex Brown 07/26/12 at 04:07abigden: Jane thinks it is Pauline Warner too so that'...
Tramps Party642 views1 commentsPrefect07/25/12 at 14:14abigden: Guy on the right is Dave Fraser.
Golden Bay 19621091 views From Left Martin Bond, Tom Fraser, Isobel Simpson, Tex and Phyllis, Kevin Claughan, Joe Salerno. Front, Andy Wilkin and Pauline Warner.3 commentsTex Brown 07/25/12 at 13:51abigden: I think the girl with Andy Wilkin might be Pauline...
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