Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

RAF Luqa Gladiator Club759 viewsThis was the Airmen's bar. This is from where I first heard the strains of Drive in Saturday from the juke box one Saturday and walked in to find no be there at all. Very spooky! Still looks majestic. Taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Astra Cinema Luqa853 viewsIconic building to those trying to get in to see Straw Dogs and other 18 certificates illegally. I remember there was an old snowdrop who used to guard against under age viewing! Taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Luqa 2 Site football pitch.819 viewsThe other goal amazingly would now be situated in the middle of the airport northern taxiway. Hard to believe that Stab Mathews, Francis Lee and Colin Bell ( and of course me!) once played on this pitch. Photo taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Luqa 2 Site Gymnasium708 viewsThe Gymnasium saw some illustrious sports people getting changed, these included Sir Stanley Mathews, Malcolm Alison, Francis Lee and the 1972 Manchester City team who played a match on the sand pitch opposite the gym. This is also where we played badminton most Fridays until we discovered girls; or did they discover us? Picture taken 9th October 2014 fifla1973
Luqa 2 Site parade square and Airmen's Barrack Blocks761 viewsThis was never used while I was at Luqa. Really nice setting though. Taken 9th October 20141 commentsfifla1973
Luqa 2 Site Sgt's Mess?807 viewsI believe this was the Sgt's mess. The picture taken from roughly the NAAFI building on 9th October 20154 commentsfifla1973
Luqa2Site601 viewsLooking up the road from the flats on 2 site towards the Gladiator club and the main entrance of the site with the sports fields on the left. Taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Tal Handaq Sports Day running track 1973727 viewsThis view if the running track again from the balcony of our Luqa flat. Taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Luqa 2 Site block of flats612 viewsThis was the block at the very back of the site. I believe in my time the Beaumonts lived there. Mike was a friend at he time bad a fast running winger in the football team. Very overgrown and sad to see. Now used as Malta Airways offices. Photo taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Luqa 2 site Tennis Courts and Flats890 viewsThese tennis courts were well used by us budding Rod Lavers at the time. The flats are the blocks overlooking the primary school playground on the other side. Photo taken from roughly the school bus stop on 9th October 2014.7 commentsfifla1973
Married Quarters Luqa 2 site.701 viewsThis particular block faced the tennis courts and was where Chris Dillion lived. We had many a battle on the courts themselves with Pete Whiting and Dave Phillips. Picture taken 9th October 2014.1 commentsfifla1973
Luqa Youth Club718 viewsThis was the Luqa Youth Club block, on the right hand side, until summer 1973. A den of iniquity indeed! Photo taken 9th October 1973 fifla1973
Luqa Primary School588 viewsThis was on 2 site at Luqa. My sister attended until 1973. It looks like it is now used for offices. This pic taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
HMS Talbot memorial plaque593 viewsThis is attached to the curtain below the Anglican Cathedral facing Manoel Island. The sailors used to come ashore below and make their way to Strait Street just up the slope.fifla1973
Malta Garrison Sailing Club, Hay Wharf Pieta575 viewsThe boats were hoisted into the water from where the grey navy boats are. We used to go there sailing for sports afternoons in 1971 from Tal Handaq. This picture was taken from my balcony in the Excelsior Hotel. I used to look up at the old hotel on the site at the time, with my girlfriend Cathy Stephenson, and wonder how people afforded to stay there!fifla1973
RAF Luqa 2 site flats635 viewsOur flat was the first one on the ground floor. Picture taken 9th October 2014fifla1973
Luqa 2 site as seen on 3rd October 2014590 viewsThe site of the school bus stop with the flats in the background and airport behind that. fifla1973
Combined Cadet Force RAF634 viewsThe shoulder tapes for our CCF.

great memories
1 commentsbmale22
Stamp club 2548 viewsbmale22
4th Year 1974 with Mr Lew Finnis1921 viewsPrefect
Name this Teacher at Open Day 1971971 viewsPrefect
Form 2A1 in 1975 with Mr Peter Wright1808 viewsSpot the future MP.4 commentstompurnell
Prefects 19781237 viewsHEAD GIRL: Penny Davison DEPUTY HEAD GIRL: Patricia Ransom.
Jayne Barnes, Susan Bloom, Deborah Canham, Ella Chapman, Grace Graham, Angela Griffiths, Kim Hanns, Heidi Hipperson, Heather Merritt, Linda Moody, Rosangela Mortimer, April Morris, Susan Hewett, Maureen Simpson, Debbie Smeeton, Julie Stace, Anita Wardle, Belinda Young, Penny Davison, Patricia Ransom, Anne Dowie, Karen Hartley.
Prefects 19781025 viewsHEAD BOY: Derek Bonnar. DEPUTY HEAD BOY: Andrew Basson
Andrew Basson Derek Bonnar Simon Crickmay Nicholas Hall Anthony Jackson
Simon Jackson Alex Groves Matthew Lane Stephen Oliver Ian Rowbottom Robert Webb Patrick Standford
3E. 1974-51689 viewsWith Mr David DitchamPrefect
Prize Winners 19771314 viewsWith Captain Law (OIC Schools) are :- 1A Mark Judd Lucy Reynolds IB William Geddis 1C Lorraine Wood ID Mark Flattery IE Jacqueline Edwards IF Richard Kane 2A Philip Hurley Julie Lewington
2B Mark Warner Jacqueline Merritt 2C Jane Gatenby 2D Jacqueline Glennon 2E Vivian Millar 2F Trevor Lucas 3A Louise Latham 3B Stephen Banks 3C Tracey Hall 3D Keith Le Quesne 3E Josette Vernon 3F Christopher Hills 4J Christopher Sampsor 4K Tracey Kenard 4L Susan Brooke 4M Jane Wright 5J Mark Gatenby Rosangela Mortimer 5K Michael Clark 5L Helen Lewington 6G Boys Matthew Lane, Gerard Tall 6G Girls Beverley Shaw L6 Penelope Davis U6 Anne Dowie Deborah Helliwell L6 David North
1060 views Elaine Gorden, Unita Lewis, Julie Dimmick, Gillian Evans, Elizabeth Orr.Prefect
Elaine Gorden, Cindy Passey and me 19781026 viewsElizabeth OrrPrefect
Death by Domestic Science - 2959 views1976 - so maybe it was Home Economics by then. Mr. Arthur Wyatt, Acting British High Commissioner with Miss Hill, David Davies and Deborah Helliwell. Julie Dawson is the waitress.Prefect
1A1 with Miss Ash 1975-761837 views3 commentsPrefect
Prefects 19761819 viewsHEAD BOY: M. Barltrop. HEAD GIRL: V. Haste
BOYS: R. Burns J. Davies R. Howorth M. Whelton D. Davies M. Hyland M. Dawson D. North S. Rippon T. Rowland M. Sheppard P. Traynor.
GIRLS: JM. Glennon D. Jackson D. King L. Mockford L. Morris K. Morse L. Roberts A. Waghorn C. Williams N. Church A. Dowie J. Cartwright L. Graham L. Jeram D. Helliwell G. Male E. Graham C. Heffey K. Lamb J. Le Quesne J. Rennie M. Watts.

Prizewinners 19761160 viewsWith Captain P.O. Stanley, OIC Schools 1973-1976.Prefect
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