Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

dfss's profile
Username dfss
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Joined Mar 29, 2013
Please complete some of these to show that you are a human being with a genuine interest in the site. father in navy but sent to st andrew's army school because no room !
Dates at Tal Handaq or in Malta 1954-1956 and 1960-63
Location (now) england
Occupation lecturer
Favourite Teacher can't remember
Biography/Interests/Remarks Very interested to find this site. Born in Malta, very good memories of childhood years there. My brother has photographs and cine films that might be of interest.
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09/07/13 at 12:20Thanks Ivan, I'll make a note of it. I haven't been back to Malta since leaving in 1963 and my memory is a bit rusty.