Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

Chris Russon's profile
Username Chris Russon
Status active
Joined Apr 13, 2015
Dates at Tal Handaq or in Malta 1953-59, attended Tigne School
Location (now) Davao City, Philippines
Occupation Retired Psychiatric Nurse
Favourite Teacher Miss Barnett
Biography/Interests/Remarks I was in Malta from the ages of 1-7. My address was 10 Nadan Flats, Depiro Street, Sliema. Attended Tigne School 1957-59 where my teacher was the lovely Miss Barnett.
Don't remember any of the other kids unfortunately. My dad Bob Russon was a teacher at Tigne and my elder sister Carolyn was a pupil in his class for a while.
My most vivid memory of those days is the grounding of the Star of Malta in July 1955 which I witnessed from our flat. This is still clear as a bell in my mind's eye as if it were yesterday !
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04/14/15 at 01:41Somewhere in the background a 3-year old me is gawping in fascination. This image is still clear as a bell in my mind's eye, as if it were yesterday !