Tal-Handaq Nostalgia

Memories of the Royal Naval School, Malta, 1947 - 1978.

Peter Evans's profile
Username Peter Evans
Status active
Joined Jun 27, 2014
Dates at Tal Handaq or in Malta 1956-57
Location (now) Crayford, Kent
Occupation Retired Policeman
Biography/Interests/Remarks Born:- Durrus, Cork, Ireland. Attended the King's Hospital, Dublin, 1952-56.
Tal Handaq 1956-57. Gosport County Grammar 1957-59. Served in the Kenya police 1960-63. Served in the Metropolitan police, London 1963-89. My father served in the Royal Navy 1934-61 hence my visit to Malta. My website displays three albums of old snapshots. wrpevans.co.uk . Married two children. Just another insignificant cog in the wheel of life. ....and the years shall run like rabbits......Auden. End of boring remarks. P.E.
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