Tal Ħandaq Magazine 1966   Sports Section House Reports  Pinafore Devonia     

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                             View of Lascaris, Malta, taken from the "Devonia" School Cruise Ship.





HEADMASTER — Instructor Captain C.L. Broad, B.Sc., Royal Navy.
DEPUTY HEADMASTER Instructor Commander G. Coupe, M.A.,Royal Navy.

SENIOR MISTRESS — Miss J. Yule, B.A. Head of English Department.

TEACHING STAFF (in order of length of service in Tal-Handaq)

Mr. P. Parker                                                         Craft *                                     Mr. G. A. H. Smith                  Technical Subjects *

Miss M. J. Bailey                                                 Cookery *                                Mr. A.Walters                           Technical Subjects *                  

Mr. R. Fuller                                                        Science *                                  Mr. E. J. Lewis                           General Subjects

Mr. C. V. Morris, Dip. Ed                           .General Subjects *                        Mrs. P. E. McGillivray              P.E. (Girls) *

Mr. R. A. Dickerson, A.T.D.                        Art and Craft ( + )                         Mr. J. A. Paley, B.A.                  Modern Languages *

Mrs. D. M. Dewstowe                                 General Subjects *                         Mr. R. C. Tatton, D.L.C.             Technical Subjects

Mr. A. F. Gallacher, M.A.                        Modern Languages ( +)                  Mr. T. S. Moyle, Dip. Bib. Rel.      Religious Instruction (+)

Mr. R. B. Witherspoon                                   Librarian *                                 Instr. Lt. Cdr. J. Blackmore, B.Sc., R.NMathematics ( +)

Mr. R. J. Gerrard, L.Mus.L.C.M.                        Music (+)                              Mr H. Hitchcott, B,Sc, A.R.I.C.     Chemistry

Mrs. P. M. Gerrard                                    General Subjects (*)                       Mr. E. Devine                                 Maths and Science 

Mr. F. G. Kitson                                     Technical Subjects (+)                       Miss D. Dibley                              Shorthand and Typing *

Mr. K. G. W. Pappin, B.A., B.Comm.  Geography and Commerce *          Mr. D. J. Marshall, M.A.               History ( + )

Mr. H. M. Griffiths                                 P.E. and Geography *                      Mr. R. E. Tomlinson                     Mathematics *

Mr. H. Wilkinson                                      General Subjects *                         Instr. Lt. Cdr. K. Swift, B.Sc., R.N.  Physics (+)

Mr. C. W. Barraclough, B.Sc.,F.R.G.S     Geography ( + )                             Mrs. V. E. Hitchcott, B.A.             Geography

 Mr. E. Battye                                             Mathematics *                                Mr. B. S. Jackson, B.A                   History

Miss B. A. Cater                                     Art and Design*                                Miss J. Lamb, B.Sc.                        Biology

Miss G. Reed                                            Needlework *                                 Mrs. M. E. R. Cronin                    General Subjects

Mr. T. E. Moore, A.M.I.E.E.                Remedial Classes *                           Mrs. D. W. Hull, B.A.                     French

Miss N. W. Chisholm, B.Sc.                   Biology (+)                                     Mrs. C.M. Cockwill, Dip. Arch.      Art and General Subjects

Mr. W. M. Alexander, M.A                      .English *                                      Mr. F. C. Houston, B.A.                  French and English

 Mr. J. H. Bowen, D.L.C.                       P.E. (Boys) *                                     Mr. S. Singleton, B.A.                      Art and Craft

 Mr. D. K. Martin                             Maths and Science                                Miss P. Melting                                P.E. (Girls)

 Mr. E. J. McAllister, B.A., D.L.C.             English *                                    Mrs. C. S. Singleton, B.A.                General Subjects

 Mr. R. J. McGiMivray                          Mathematics *                                  Miss J. M. Sharpe                           Needlework

Mr. J. P. Ratcliffe, B.A.                           Classics ( + )                                    Miss S. Fleming                                Cookery



Mr. D.T.Sheppard   Bursar,    Miss J. Balchin   Secretary,   Mrs. F. A. Hartwell Assistant Secretary,

  Mrs. F. Coupe, S.R.N.   School Sister,  Mr. S. J. Mayo   Medical Clerk, Mr. E. Plant School Warden, Storekeeper -and Chargeman.

( + )    Head  of Department.     (*)  Post of Responsibility.


Chairman:  Mr. C. V. Morris. Literary Editor: Mr. E. J. McAllister. Art Editor:   Mr. R. A. Dickerson. Advertising Manager: Mr. A. Walters

  •                  CONTENTS

  • The Headmaster  ...  1                                                    The Devonia Cruise ..............41

    Staff ... .....................; 2                                                    Sketch in Sicily ........................52

     Foreword and Farewell ....6                                        Advertisements ......................57

    School Concert 1966 ........10                                         Headmaster's Report ............. 69

    "H.M.S. Pinafore" .............11                                        Sports Section ...                       76

    G.C.E. Results ..................14                                        Drake House Report.............. 83

    C.S.E. Results ...................17                                        Nelson House Report             85

    R.S.A. Results ..................20                                        Hawkins House Report ... ... 88

    Ron Fuller ........................23                                        St. Vincent House Report ... 90

    Junior House Drama.......27                                        Athletic Sports 1966 ..............94

    "Blithe Spirit" ..................28                                        Boys' School Records ........... 98

    Open Day 1966 ...............31                                        Girls' School Records  ...........99

    Duke of Edinburgh's Award ... 32                            Swimming Gala July 1965 ... 103

    Sicily Expedition .............33                                      Advertisements  ...................   108



    The reappearance of the Magazine is an indication that another school year is nearly over, and once again I must congratulate the Magazine Committee on producing such an interesting volume, with so little fuss. More photographs than usual are included in this issue, showing different aspects of school life, and I am grateful to the Army Public Relations Department for supplying many of them. I am also grateful to the girls of the Commerce Department for the assistance they have given this year in typing the scripts.

    The magazine has been produced during a time of great upheaval in the school. I am writing this in the new Administration Block which has just been completed, and which has been built so that we can rehouse the warden's family in the old administrative offices and use their old house for additional science laboratories. The precincts of the laboratory blocks are covered with huge boxes: these contain the masses of equipment which have come out of the old laboratories and are awaiting redistribution when the new building and alterations are finished. Our dining hall is being used as a temporary classroom for science, and school lunches have had to be cancelled. The equipment for our new language laboratory is awaiting the modification of the building, before it can be installed; and our three new tennis courts are in an advanced state of preparation. I hope that all of these improvements, and several smaller ones, will be completed before the start of next term — but it will be touch and go! Our new playing fields, on which the Army are doing a wonderful job, are progressing well, and all that should remain to be done by the time this appears in print, will be to surface them.

    In view of all this activity I have had little time to contemplate my departure from Malta, which is now getting unpleasantly close. I have enjoyed my three years at Tal-Handaq tremendously, and both my wife and I will always treasure our memories of the school, and of our stay in Malta. I have been fortunate in having an excellent staff to support me, who take everything in their stride and seldom complain, and I have also been fortunate in serving under Commanders-in-Chief who have given school requirements such high priority, when allocating money for improvements from their Block Grant. I shall certainly miss the school, but I am glad that I shall leave it in such a healthy state. It has never looked so flourishing before, or been so well equipped.

    I am glad, too, that I am to be succeeded by an old friend of mine — Instructor Captain H.C. Malkin, and I wish him every good fortune. I could not leave the school in better hands. I am confident that under his leadership the school will continue to go from strength to strength, and I, for one, shall look forward to reading next year's magazine with the greatest interest.

    My best wishes to you all.  C.L. Broad — Headmaster.


    Carolyn Cranston, Christine Stephens, Linda Olver.




    The first meeting of the Christmas term was an energetic debate on "Woman is the Superior Being". There were many loudly voiced objections to this, and the segregation of the sexes was very pointedly noticeable after this debate. This meeting was followed by an equally popular and successful Balloon Debate. The characters were: NAPOLEON -- Gaynor Hanley; A N.A.A.F.I. COOK — Peter Ross; EVELYN HOME — Sue Prater; CHRISTINE KEELER — Anne Dennison; BOB DYLAN — Brian Jackson. The speeches were masterpieces of humour; a song was executed by Bob Dylan, and Christine received a few wolf-whistles. However the N.A.A.F.I. cook won the Debate with witty comments like, "The piece of cod which passeth all understanding" etc.

    The Annual Verse Speaking Competition was held on Wednesday 27th October, judged by Mr. John Russell, (Director of B.F.B.S.). There were 6 or 7 contestants from each year, and the standard of recital was so high that the winners had a good run for their money. To end the term, a Christmas Symposium was held, (a party, in lay language). The food was supplied by the female members and the drink by the males, (Coca Cola and Lemonade, not a Greek Symposium). It was a fitting ending to a successful literary term.

    The first meeting of the Easter term was a lively debate, "The Incomprehensibility of Comprehensive Education". This aroused much lively discussion, but the majority were in favour of Comprehensive education. The Public Speaking Competition was next on the agenda, and was won by David Radford of Nelson House, (the competition was inter-house) with a speedy, logical speech on "We are all Socialists nowadays". The next meeting, a Play Reading was postponed so often that half of it was held one lunch-hour, but by this time the casts were so disgruntled that it was cancelled. However, the Mock Election was a resounding success, as everyone was caught up in election fever anyhow, it being March 30th. Again David Radford took highest honours, although absent for the actual day, but his able understudy, Bernard Hatch ard, delivered his manifesto for the Right Wing Progressive Individualists. Robin Levin for Labour came second. The other candidates were: COMMUNIST -Nigel Vaughan; CONSERVATIVE — John Moore; LIBERAL — Penny Parker.

    Unfortunately all meetings in the Summer term had to be cancelled owing to lack of support because of exam fever.


    A collection for charity has been made each Monday during the past year and approximately £150 has been raised for various charities.

    Malta calendars were sold at Christmas. During the Spring term, following the showing of an Oxfam film in assembly, 2A1 collected more than £15. A similar sum was raised by a group of girls from 2B during the Easter holidays, 2A2, with help of Miss Fleming, held a coffee morning for the Staff. A great deal of effort went into this and £7 was collected.

    Just before Christmas a request w,as made for toys to send to the World Community Chest, which distributes gifts to deprived countries. Five boxes were sent.

    Donations have been sent to the Malta Society for the Mentally Handicapped; Trafalgar Day Orphans' Appeal; R.S.P.C.A.; Christmas Party for poor children; Little Sisters of the Poor; The Sunshine Fund for Babies; Leukemia Research and Oxfam.

    We intend this term to make a presentation to the children of Malta who are deaf or blind.

    Packets of used postage stamps have been sent to raise money for famine relief.

    We feel that our efforts have helped to show that the children of today are not only concerned with themselves but also with the problems of need and distress of .the world in which we live.


    Committee.  Chairman  R. Winkworth.   Secretary C. Hay.

    Members. J. Savage, L. Wigglesworth, N. Woodley, R. Ross, .... Simpson. C. Wansbury and G. Witherspoon, two members of the committee who resigned.


    The Christmas term was started with the debate, "Fact is stranger than Fiction". This proved rather an amusing subject, but the motion was defeated. At the next meeting, we held a spot debate. This included the motions, "The moon is made of green cheese", "The Loch Ness monster is a figment of the imagination", among others.

    After much contemplation, we finally decided on a playreading for the next meeting; but finding characters for this was practically impossible, resulting in the committee having to take nearly all the parts. After all of this, the play was not long enough and a short spot debate was held afterwards. Another debate with the motion, "It is better to be old and wise, than young and foolish", took place a fortnight later. The result was a draw.

    To close the Christmas term we held a Balloon Debate. Due to the absence and cowardice of several characters, this was not a great success; although we must congratulate Linda Perry, who played Bessie Bunter and managed to keep the debate from growing tedious.

    A Verse-Speak;ng competition throughout the school introduced the new term. The winners of the 3rd and 4th were Jane Savage and Penny Tatton respectively. The motion, "Space Research is money down the drain", was held the following meeting. This was organized by 3C1 and was quite interesting.

    Wanting to have something different as our next topic, we decided to surprise Mr. Alexander by making him the subject of "This is your life". We didn't let him know about it until the actual meeting, and he took it very well, considering the character we made him out to be.

    Our next debate, after careful thought, was, "Co-Educational schools should be abolished". As this grew rather tedious, the chairman decided to hold a short spot debate. This included the subject, "Gentlemen prefer blondes", which proved an argumentative subject!

    We were deprived of holding a meeting the following fortnight, because of the Senior's Public Speaking Competition, but 3rd and 4th years were invited to attend. Our last meeting of this term turned out to be a disappointment due to lack of support, and was cancelled.


    The evening opened with the junior choir who excelled themselves in their performance of five well chosen songs.

    The Mozart sonata which was played by Mr. Gerrard and Jeanne Cantwell was most enjoyable and Jeanne's solo, Beethoven's Drum Waltz, was equally entertaining.

    Wendy Coupe, Sara Jeffries and Joan Stratton sang their two songs with two songs with obvious enjoyment.

    The clarinet trio, Christine Coupe, Lynn Edmunds and Mr. Wilkinson was excellent; Christine's solo showed courage and promising talent.

    We are very fortunate to have Mrs. Margaret Maries as our guest artist and we are sure that everyone enjoyed both her selections.

    "The Bold Gendarmes", Jon Field and David Jeffries were very amusing and after a quick change they were joined by Brian Jackson who made up the "Barber's Shop Trio". We feel that the boys put their usual amount of effort into their acts and we are sure that their talent and humour were well appreciated by all.

    After the interval the school recorder group played three pieces by Handel. These were well prepared and despite previous difficulties they sounded quite good.

    This item was followed by a clarinet solo by Lynn Edmunds which was written by Schubert and sounded delightful.

    The Pentragon group obviously put a lot of effort into its performance and although the majority of the audience do not feel quite as we do about this type of music we feel that their efforts were much appreciated.

    The finale of the evening was a performance of excerpts from Bach's Peasant Cantata. The soloists, Wendy Coupe, Jon Field and David Jeffries, accompanied by the senior choir were favourably applauded and the item seems to have been appreciated.

    We would like to thank Mr. Gerrard and Mr. Wilkinson for all the time they gave up and the work they put in to make the concert a success, which we feel it was. It is hoped that next year's concert will be as well supported and will be of an equal standard.



    Last Term the Royal Naval School, Tal-Handaq, produced the Gilbert and Sullivan opera H.M.S. Pinafore. The producer of the opera was C.W. Barraclough and the musical director was Mr. Gerrard, a member of staff. Altogether there was Mr. Eric Devine, Mr. Harry Wilkinson, and Mr. Denver Martin of the staff acting in the opera. The costumes were also made by Miss Gweneth Reed and Miss Jan Sharpe of the staff, with the help of the senior girls.

    The show started with the seamen singing and then dear little Buttercup came in singing.

    Most of the opera was sung but some of it was said. I thoroughly enjoyed this very well produced and acted play. I thought the best actors were Sue Prater, Susan Pearson, Denver Martin and Margurieta Cantwell, although everyone put their whole heart into the performance.

    Gillian Harvey 1A2


    The senior school choir, consisting of the senior part of the school, and some second year, meet every Monday at 1.15, under the tuition of Mr, Gerrard.

    At the moment the choir is busily rehearsing- for the school concert, which will be held on the 27th May. The choir will sing songs from Bach's Peasant Cantata, and the principal soloists will be Wendy Coupe, Jon Field and David Jeffries.

    For a while the choir did not have as many male voices 'as would have been desired, (but the situation is slightly better now. At one time Cathedral choirs were composed entirely of boys and men, -'but to-day the girls take over the boys parts, the boys showing- little interest in singing.

    Music is one of the school's most important activities. For example, in the school concert this year, approximately one hundred students are taking part, in vocal and instrumental acts.

    In previous months the choir played an active part at the annual Prize-day, and have (played in the Beggar's Opera and H.M.S. Pinafore in recent times.  Joan Stratton  3B

                                                                              "PINAFORE" AND ALL THAT                                                            

    This year's Gilbert and Sullivan production of "H.M.S. Pinafore" was a result of much sweat and toil.

    When it was decided what opera was going to be performed, Mr. Gerrard, the musical director, had the task of casting the major roles. This was especially difficult, as the number of male personnel who volunteered was small.

    The female parts almost 'picked themselves!. However, all the major parts were! finally filled, and the painstaking task of learning the words of song and! dialogue started. The 'maestro' wa'3 always found, during the lunchbreak, with! the principals going through their songs. This proved very trying at timesJ so much, that everyone thought that the show would have to be cancelled. "These things were sent to try us," and the cast, with an. all out effort slowly] overcame these difficulties.

    Slowly the show started to take shape under the expert guidance of Mr. Barraclough, the producer. Rehearsals, every Tuesday and Thursday after school, always had a comic touch in the form of Mr. Martin (DEAD-EYE : DICK) who was admirably suited for his part.

    Meanwhile, the "back-stage" BOYS, Messrs. Moore and Dickerson moved in, put up and painted a very effective set designed by Robert Gale. All was set for an excellent show, apart from a few odd songs and a little dialogue which the principals had still to learn.

    Costumes were now .arriving from the .needlework dept. under the direction of Miss Reed and Miss Sharpe, and still the principals had the only too familiar voice of the 'maestro' ringing in their ears, saying, "learn the words by heart".

    The full dress rehearsals were upon us, with the Ist and 2nd forms acting as audience, so that we could get used to laughs and other audience reactions.

    Tension mounted, for the first night finally arrived, and everyone was eager for the curtain to go up. The make-up girl?, who deserve special mention, had their bands full with making up a very nervous! cast.

    "On stage everyone !" was a very welcome sound. I think that everyone in the cast had a peep through a small hole in the curtain while waiting for the "curtain call".

    Good 'wishes were whispered as Mr. Gerrard took his place at the piano and played the Overture with great skill and feeling.

    The curtain finally opened, revealing the crew of "Pinafore" busy a-round the ships doing odd jobs and clearing up for the arrival of Sir Joseph Porter K.C.B. (Jon Field). '

    "We sailed the ocean blue" was sang by the male section with great feeling and action. "Little Buttercup" (Sue Pearson) wais greeted aboard by a rousing cheer frcim the crew. She sang her song, about all the goods she has to sell, with aplomb. The Bos'n, (Dave Jeffries) has his face slapped by Buttercup when he tries to kiss her. "Ralph" (Mr. Wilkinson) was the next "on", and with clear diction and a first class voice, sang "The nightinggale song" He then told the crew how he loves the Captain's daughter and yet, he cannot marry her because of his low rank. There then follows' a colourful scene with Ralph Dead-eye, the Bos'n and the Carpenter's Mate (Mr. Devine). Captain Corcoran appears and greets his crew with "My Gallant Crew, — Good Morning". He. (Reg Woodcock) then tells the audience all about himself, and how he is "never sick at sea".

    The Captain tells Buttercup ibout how his daughter loves an ordinary sea-man and not Sir Joseph Porter. He is very worried as Sir Joseph Porter is coming to claim Ms daughter's hand in marriage. Buttercup tells him that it will all work out in the end.

    Josephine (Suzanne Prater) then tells the audience, in a delightful voice, about her love for Ralph. She played her part with ease and aplomb.

    "Over the bright blue sea" is heard from off-stage and the crew appear and get ready to welcome Sir Joseph Porter "Sir Joseph's Barge is seen" is another male song which goes well.

    Sir Joseph, came aboard in grand splendour and delivered his lines with great ease and confidence. He has a good voice which is much better than any other male student at Tal Handaq at the moment. Sir Joseph, followed his "cousins and aunts" on board, and was welcomed by Capt. Corcoran.

    "I am the ruler of the Queen's Navee" went down well, and Jon deserves' much praise for the way he "put it over".

    A trio, The Bos'n, Ralph, and Carpenter's Mate sang a splendid song "A British Tar," which was well 'received by the audience. Josephine and Ralph sing a very touching duet. This leaves Ralph in a very disturbed state of mind, and he calls .back the crew and sisters -- cousins -- aunts of Sir Joseph, and tells them that he will kill himself if Josephine doesn't accept him. He is just about to pull (the trigger when Josephine bursts upon the scene and sings- "Ah stay your hand, I love you!" All is well, Plans are mow laid for the marriage. Dead-eye Dick sings that the Capt. would not allow such a thing, 'but he is beaten back by the rest of the crew. So ends Act I in great gaiety and dancing.

    Act II began with a solo by Capt. Corcoran "Fair Moon to thee I sing." The Captains voice was not suitable for this type of song, but due to patient coaching by Mr. Gerrard, Reg made an excellent attempt at it. Buttercup then joined the Captain and they sang, "Things are seldom what they seem". Josephine then sings) about her problem, as her (conscience is bothering her, Suzanne sang this extremely well, and thoroughly deserved an encore. She-was joined by Sir Joseph Capt. Corcoran and sang "Ring the Merry Bells". Capt. Corcoran is then joined by Dead-eye who informs him about the secret plans. This went down well very well and they 'both deserved their encore. Due to the information given to him by Dead-eye, Capt. Corcoran hides while the crew slowly creep round singing "CarefulIy on Tiptoe." At a crucial moment Capt. Corcoran stops the crew with a mighty "Hold." After inquiring what is happening Josephine and Ralph .tell Capt. Corcoran that they are in love. It is here that the Bos'n sings "He is an Englishman". In his reply to this Capt. Corcoran includes the word Damme and repeats it no less than three times. Sir Joseph then inquires what made the Capt. swear and when he learns about Ralph and Josephine, he sends Ralph away to the ship's dungeon. Buttercup tells the tale of how, when children, Ralph and the Capt. were mixed up and that "Ralph is the captain and the captain, Ralph". The two are sent for, having changed costumes while they were off stage. Sir Joseph gives Ralph to Josephine and the -ex capt. goes, to Buttercup. Sir Joseph is then left without anyone to look after him, and his cousin Phoebe (Greta Cantwell) who, by the way, follows Sir J. everywhere, says her first lines, to the effect that she will look after him. So everything ends with everyone happy.

    An excellent show. Congratulations to the actors, both principals and chorus; stage staff under Chris McCready; the set designers and painters the make up; the costumes; the lighting; and last but not least, hearty congratulations to Messrs. Gerrard and Barraclough for all their hard work and effort to mate this one of the best shows ever seen at Tal Handaq. Well done all!





    SUZAN BROAD — Art.

    DAVID BURDEN -- Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

    MALCOLM CHESNEY - - Religious Knowledge.

    CHRISTOPHER DEAKIN -- Pure and Applied Mathematics, Physics.

    MOYA GRAHAM -- English Literature.

    MARY HARRIS — English Literature, Religious Knowledge, Biology.

    ROSALYN HOLROYD -- History.


  • MAJENKA KASLIK -- English Literature, French, Geography (with Merit on 'S' paper).

  • RICHARD KNAPMAN - - Engineering Drawing.

    JULIE LANDON -- Art.

    SANDRA LONG -- English Literature, British Constitution.

    ALINE McDOUGALL -- Latin, Italian.


    PHYLLIS McKINLEY -- Latin, French, Italian.

    IAN O'BRIEN -- Biology.

    RODERIC OGDEN — Latin, French, Geography (with Merit on 'S' paper).

    SUZANNE OLD — Geography (with Distinction on 'S' paper).


    JEAN PROCTOR -- Biology, Geography (with Distinction on 'S' paper).

    GRAHAM ROBERTS -- Geography, History (with Merit on 'S' paper

    PATRICIA RODGER -- British Constitution, History.

    HELEN ROURKE -- Art.

    JEAN SAYER — Art.

  • MICHAEL SEMMENS — Pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (with Merit on 'S' paper)

  • SHEILA SMITH -- Engl:sh Literature, Latin, French.


    JANETTE TAYLOR — English Literature, Religious Knowledge.

    LORNA TIERNEY — Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

    ANN TYSON -- English Liteature, History, Religious Knowledge.

    GEORGINA WEBB — English Literature, History.

    FRANCES WHITE -- English Literature, History, Religious Knowledge.

    MARGARET WHITE — Latin, French, History.




    PATRICIA A'COURT — English Language. JOHN ATHERTON -- Additional Mathematics. LINDA BARNETT — Art.

    MOIRA BATCHELOR — Art. ANGELA BRADBURY - English Language. PETA BUSWELL -- English Language, English Literature, French, Art.

    SUSAN BEXON — English Literature, Geography, Art. MARILYN BORLAND — Chemistry. WENDY BOYLE -- German, Geology.

    JACQUELINE BUBB -- History (Foreign), British Constitution. SANDRA BUTT -- English Language. MARGUERITA CANHAM — English Literature, British Constitution.

    MARGUERITA CANTWELL -- Physics. JOHN CAYLEY — Metalwork. LEE CHAMP — Geology. KITTY CHAYTOR — Cookery.

    DAVID COSTICK - - History (British), Mathematics. SUSAN CRAWFORD — English Language, History (British).

    ELIZABETH COUZINS — English Language, History (British), Art. SANDRA CROSS -- English Language. LINDA CULLEN -- Art.

    JACQUELINE DAIN - - English Language, English Literature, French, German, Art, History (British), Geography, Mathematics.

    PHILIP DARCY - - Metalwork, Engineering Drawing. MARY DEAKIN — English Language, English Literature, Geography, Cookery.

     RODERICK DEAS -- Geography, German. ANNE DENNISON — Additional Mathematics.

    ROBERT DUNNING - - English Literature, History (British), Mathematics, Physics, Engineering Drawing1.

    PETER EDGE -- English Language.  LYNN EDMUNDS -- English Language, Music.  MICHAEL ELLIOT — English Language, English Literature, Art.

    TIMOTHY EVANS -- English Language, English Literature, Latin, French, Mathematics, History (British), Physics.

    ANN FARROW - - English Language, History (British), Art. 

    LYNDA FAIRHALL — English Language, English Literature, Latin, French, Biology, Mathematics, Music.

    ANTHONY FERRETT — English Language, History (British), Mathematics. JANICE FORD -- Art.

    GEOFFREY FRANKLIN — English Language, English Literature, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Metalwork, Engineering Drawing.

     ANNE GARDNER — English Language, English Literature, Cookery, Art. 

    BERYL GEORGE -- English Language, English Literature, History (Social, Economic), Biology, Human Biology and Hygiene, Art.

     KATHRYN GIRDWOOD — Art.   LESLEY GRAVES -- English Language, English Literature.

    LYNN GREGORY - - English Language, Art. LESLEY GRIFFIN -- English Literature, French, History (Foreign).

    GAYNOR HAMLEY -- Mathematics. BERNARD HATCHARD French, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.


    ROBINA HOPKINSON -- English Literature, Cookery. BRIAN JACKSON — History (British), Mathematics.

    ROSS JACOBS -- History (British), Engineering Drawing. MICHAEL JAYMIESON -- Geology. DENISE JOHN - - History (British).

    CATHERINE JOHNSTONE — English Literature, French. FRANCES JONES — Art. KATHLEEN KNIGHT — English Language.

    JULIE LANDON -- French, Music. KENNETH LAWRENCE English Literature, Additional Mathematics. Physics.

    TANIA LOOK -- Cookery. FRANCIS LOWE — English Literature, French, Geography. KEITH LUCAS — Art. LESLEY MACEY - - History (British).

    ANTHONY MAPLE -- Woodwork, Metalwork, Engineering Drawing.

    CAROL MATTINGLEY - - English Language, English Literature, Latin, French, German, Mathematics, Cookery.

    JOHN McCALLUM - English Literature, French, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing.

    ANN MERCH-CHAMMON - - French. COLIN MILLARD -- English Language, Mathematics.

    ALAN MILLER -- English Language, English Literature, History (British), Geography, Commerce.

    GEOFFREY MILTON -- Economics, Additional Mathematics. NORMAN MORGAN — English Language, Mathematics.

    MARGARET MURREY -- History (British). SUSAN PEARSON -- History (British), Needlework. DEREK POYNTER — Art.

    JOAN PRICE — English Literature, Latin, French, German, History (Foreign), Additional Mathematics, Chemistry.

    RICHARD PULLEN -- History (British).

    DAVID RADFORD -- English Literature, Latin, French, Geography, Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry.

    ANGELA RADLEY -- English Language, History (British), Art. FRANCES RAFFERTY - - English Literature.

    DENNIS REED -- English Literature, Latin, French, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Additional Mathematics.

    VANESSA REED — English Language, History (British), Mathematics. PEEER ROSS -- English Language, History (British).

    BONNIE ROUT — English Literature, Cookery. JOHN SADDLER -- Physics. DAVID SCOTT -- English Language.                                                                       

    MALCOLM SENIOR -- English Language. LEYLA SERIM -- Geography, Chemistry, Biology. LESLEY SHARP -- Art,

    PETER SIMPSON — Art. ROGER SIMPSON -- English Language, Mathematics. ANNE SINCLAIR - - English Language.

    DAWN SMITHERMAN -- English Language, Human Biology and Hygiene.

    GRAHAM STEPHENS — English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, French, Engineering Drawing, Art.

    SHEENA STEVENSON -- English Language, Human Biology and Hygiene.

     JOHN STILES-ALTIERI - - Woodwork, Engineering Drawing, Art. CHRISTINE THOMAS -- English Literature, Commerce.

    PATRICK TIERNEY - - Woodwork, Metalwork, Engineering Drawing. SUSAN TOLSON -- Additional Mathematics.

    CHRISTOPHER TRICK — Metalwork. PAUL WICKHAM -- British Constitution.

    REGINALD WOODCOCK —- English Literature, Engineering Drawing.


    Grade I Pass = G.C.E. Pass (Grade 6).

    Pupils entered for Mathematics (2c), Woodwork (A), Metalwork (A) and Technical Drawing (B).

    Passes awarded with Grades (1 5).


    Peta Buswell 2  John Caley3  Barry Cook1  Susan Crawford3  Mary Deakin3  Lynn Edmunds3  Beryl George1  Bernard Ibbs 4

    Sarah Jefferies4  Julie Landon2  Anthony Maple1  Derek Poynter4  Kathleen Radley3  Bonnie Rout3  Helen Rushmore  David Scott 4 Malcolm Senior4  Peter Simpson 2  Malcolm Smith1   John Stiles-Altieri2  Patrick Tierney2  Monica Wilson5


    John Caley3  Barry Cook2  Philip Darcy2  James Duff3  Robert Dunning2  Anthony Maple4  Patrick Tierney1


    John Fleming5  Geoffrey Franklin3  Anthony Maple2  David Pittaway4  Peter Simpson4  Patrick Tierney1  Paul Wiekham4

    Technical Drawing

    John Caley1  James Duff1 Peter Simpson1

    Instr. Cdr. G. Coupe, the Deputy Headmaster, with the School Prefects.


    THE C.S.E.

    After our "trial run" for the C.S.E. examinations last year, 1966 has been our first full-scale entry. 101 candidates sat for a wide range of subjects -English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Art, Shorthand, Typewritng, Woodwork, Metalwork, Technical Drawing, Commerce, and Domestic Science. C ,S E, courses in all these subjects are now well established in the school for 4th and 5th year pupils, and in 1967 we shall also be entering candidates for Science.

    A notable administrative improvement this year has been our arrangement with the Southern Regional Examinations Board whereby any C.S.E, candidate who leaves! Tal-Handaq between January 31st (the closing date for entries) and the time of the examination's can sit for them at any .school in the U.K. to which he or she returns,. By this arrangement several candidates, who would otherwise have wasted about two years' work, have had their papers forwarded to their new U.K. school by the Southern Regional Board.

    It should be mentioned that with the C.S.E. in its full stride, several members of staff are now engaged in internal examinations and their "mocks" for a total of three months of the Spring and Summer Terms. The fact that all C.S.E. scripts have been; marked and despatched to schedule represents no mean achievement on their part.

    As far as the candidates are concerned, they will be receiving their results by the end of July and these will, of course, be just what they deserve !



    JACQUELINE BUBB — English Literature, Physics. PETA BUSWELL -- Latin. ROBERT CANNON -- Geography.

    SUSAN CRAWFORD -- English Literature. PHILIP DARCY — Woodwork. TRUDY DARLEY -- English Language.

    DAVID DUGMORE — History (British). LYNN EDMUNDS -- English Literature. MICHAEL ELLIOT — Mathematics.

    LINDA FINLAYSON - - English Literature. ANNE GARDNER -- Human Biology and Hygiene. PHOEBE GREGORY -- English Literature.

    BERNARD HATCHARD — Geography. DAVID HOPKINSON — English Language. JACQUELINE HOUGHTON -- English Language.

    BRIAN JACKSON - - English Literature, Geography. GLORIA JACKSON -- English Language. SARA JEFFRIES -- English Language, Biology.

    RICHARD KNAPMAN — Physics. ROBERT KNIGHT — English Language. ALAN MILLER -- Mathematics. LESLEY MACEY - - English Language.

    MARGARET MEYNELL — Art. DIANA PRATER -- English Literature. LOIS REED -- English Language. LINDA RICHARDS -- History (British).

    BONNIE ROUT — Biology. MALCOLM SENIOR — History (British), Commerce. PETER SIMPSON - - English Language.

    STEPHEN SPENCE -- English Language, Mathematics, Physic*. JOHN STILES-ALTIERI -- Geography. NIGEL VAUGHAN — Biology.

    REGINALD WOODCOCK -- English Language, Commerce.

                                  ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS


    PATRICIA BARNETT -- Arithmetic. MOIRA BATCHELOR -- English Language. LYNN BOUSFIELD -- Shorthand.

    ANGELA BRADBURY -- Mathematics I and II. DIANE BRADBURY — Civics. PETA BUSWELL -- Mathematics I and II.

    SANDRA BUTT -- Typewriting, Arithmetic. KATHLEEN BYRNE — English Language, Geography.

    JOHN CALEY -- Mathematics II, Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Metal-work, Woodwork. MARGUERITA CANHAM — Arithmetic.

    ROBERT CANNON - - English Language, Civics. KITTY CHAYTOR — English Language. SUSAN CRAWFORD — Shorthand, Typewriting.

    PHILIP DARCY -- Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Metalwork. RODERICK DBAS — Mathematics I. PATRICIA DOHERTY -- Civics.

    JAMES DUFF -- Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Metalwork. HEATHER FRASER -- Civics. PETER GAMBLE — English Language.

    ANNE GARDNER — Mathematics II. MICHAEL GILLHAM — Mathematics II. LESLEY GRAVES — Needlecraft, Civics, Shorthand.

    LYNN GREGORY -- Arithmetic. GORDON HALLIDAY -- English Language.

    ROBINA HOPKINSON — Mathematics I and II. AVRIL HUGHES — Typewriting. BERNARD IBBS -- Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Woodwork.

    DOUGLAS JACOBS — Mathematics I and II. KATHLEEN KNIGHT -- Civics. JULIE LANDON - - Mathematics I and II.

    ROSANNA LOOK -- Needlecraft. ANTHONY MAPLE — Mathematics I and II, Metalwork. ALLAN MILLER -- Physics.

    DAVID PITTAWAY — Civics. LEONARD POPE — Geometrical and Technical Drawing. DEREK POYNTER -- English Language, Metalwork.

    KATHLEEN RADLEY -- Typewriting, Civics. FRANCES RAFFERTY — Typewriting, Arithmetic. LINDA RICHARDS -- Mathematics II.

    PETER ROBINSON — Mathematics I and II.BONNIE ROUT — Mathematics I and II, Civics.

    HELEN RUSHMORE -- Typewriting, Mathematics II, Needlecraft, Civics.

    PETER SIMPSON -- Mathematics I and II, Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Metalwork. ANNE SINCLAIR - - Typewriting.

    SHEILA SMART -- English Language, Needleeraft. GRAHAM STEPHENS — Geometrical and Technical Drawing.

    SHEENA STEVENSON — Mathematics I and II. PATRICK TIERNEY - Mathematics I and II, Geometrical and Technical Drawing.

    CHRISTOPHER TRICK -- Geometrical and Technical Drawing.  DEBORAH TYSAN - - English Language.

    REGINALD WOODCOCK — Mathematics I and II, Geometrical and Technical Drawing, Woodwork, WILLIAM WICKHAM — Physics.


    Marguerita Cantwell  Stephen Commons  Anne Dennison  Jack Ferrett  Martin Fuller  John Atherton  Jennifer Goldsack

     Althea Howe  William Jeffries  Robin Levin  John Moore  John Saddler Susan Tolson Michael Winkworth


    Elementary: — Passes awarded  Jennifer Allan  Lynn Bousfield  Margaret Canham  Trudy Darley  Heather Eraser  Shirley Froud

     Janet Fyffe

    Intermediate: - Grade -- 1st or 2nd Class First Class

    Patricia Barnett Mary Bishop Lesley Graves Avril Hughes Glenys Hurley Sheila Smart Dawn Smitherman Monica Wilson

    Brenda Woolley Alan Miller Kathleen Knight Tania Look Frances Rafferty


    The night was near

    But, the lights were bright

    Blue, yellow, green, red

    Shining throughout the fair

    Crowds and crowds of people

    Walking here and there

    Carrying this and that.


    All along the sides

    Of the merry fair

    The stalls were lit, with bright lights,

    To interest the passer-by

    Candy floss was a great favourite

    As well as hot dogs

    Selling quite cheap.


    The big wheel

    Round and round it goes

    Lit up with bright lights

    So to be seen

    Also was the coconut shy

    "Why not try your luck"

    If you win, you can win

    Such a lovely prize.

    "Roll up! Roll up!"

    The man at the stall cries

    "Come try your luck"

    All about the fair

    "Oh what a noise"

    People are all at the fair.

    There are many things to do

    "Why not try"

    There are prizes to be won

    Just for you

    "What's that smell?"

    One person cries

    Another says

    "Oh look, look at that

    A flame eater!"


    At 10.30 the clock strikes

    The fair now quiet

    The lights are all out

    And the ground where the fair was is cleared

    Nothing but the wind is heard Now the fair has gone.






    Silvery thread, Round and round, Up and down. Over and under A silken trap.

    Task completed Retreat to lair. Legs a-dangling Hairy, long. Beady eyes, Staring, waiting.

    Unwary fly, Lightly he]d Frantic struggle More tightly held, Alarm line vibrating Spider alerted.

    Tactics change, Swift attack, Fly engulfed.

    Beady eyes, Staring, waiting.



    Mr. Ron Fuller is leaving us after a stay of nine years. Both Staff and School will miss him in many ways. A man of many parts, he has shown, and inspired, interest not only in his Sciences — and particularly in Photography of late -- but also on the games field. On the hockey field, visiting forwards have been known to develop cramp on seeing him at full back. Opening batsmen, too, have had their moments of worry. Today he is an umpire whose finger is feared as much as his arm was not long ago. The Staff will miss his outspoken yet friendly manner and his great sense of humour, and one wonders how the Crosswords are going to be finished in future. He could always finish them — even if his answers did not always agree with the editor's version ! One thing is certain; on his return to U.K. it will not be long before the South feels the impact of his forthright Northern Spirit!


    At the beginning of the school year the following joined the teaching staff:— Mr. and Mrs. Singleton, Mr. Houston, Miss Melling, Miss Sharpe and Miss Fleming. Our Secretary Miss Balchin arrived in January and has since been joined by Mrs. Hartwell as Assistant Secretary.

    In July we say Goodbye to Mr. Fuller who has been on the staff since 1957 and now takes up an appointment as the Head of the Science Department at Loxford County Secondary School, Ilford: Mr. Wilkinson who arrived in April 1960 takes up a new appointment as Resident Master at Sunnydown School, Guildford: Mr. Marshall who leaves on completion of one tour at Tal-Handaq to take up a post at Bingley Grammar School, Yorks, and Miss Fleming who after a brief stay also leaves in July to get married on the 6th August.

    We welcome our new members and wish God speed to all who are leaving.


    News from former Tal-Handaq students is always very welcome but it is, unfortunately, mostly those who go up to Universities and Colleges of Art and Education who keep in touch - - I hope that those who have taken up other careers will let us have news of themselves.

    At the time of writing Brian Fuller has been spending a holiday in Malta and much of this news has been provided by him — I gather he is the mainspring of a strong Tal-Handaq "cell" which I feel sure could be the nucleus of an Old Pupils' Association.

    Of the Universities Manchester claims quite a few of our alumni — in their last year are Angela Salter, Pam Hinton, Andrew Wilkin, who got married recently, and Graham Roberts is a first year student. At Edinburgh are Margaret White and Sheila Smith. Keith Holmes and Majenka Kaslik are at Leeds, while Michael Semmens and David Burden are at Imperial College, London. Marjorie Sewell is at Bedford College, London, having completed her first year (Hons.Italian) and with a social calendar which includes spaghetti-eating contests. Studying Medicine at Charing Cross Medical School is last year's Head Boy, Ian O'Brien. Rosemary Dearden is taking her finals at Exeter this year and hopes to take the Diploma of Education Course next year at the University of Newcastle on Tyne. Roderick Ogden is reading Law at Exeter.

    Studying at Art are Jean Sayer at Brighton - - Suzan Broad, now at Plymouth, has been accepted for the Diploma Course at Kingston College of Art -- Catherine Johnstone has just completed her Pre.Dip. at Lough-borough, Christopher Dunn is in his second year at Bath Academy of Art while Linda Webb is on the Diploma Course at Hornsey College of Art.

    There are a fair number of old pupils at various Colleges of Education; Suzanne Old at Norwich and Susan Jones at Leicester — both of these, whose parents are still in Malta, have been out here for vacations. Kathleen Hines (St. Paul's Training College) and Sheila Cruickshank of 1962 have kept in touch and it is a pleasure to hear from them. Susan Pearson and Jennifer Allen who left Tal-Handaq at Christmas for Germany have been accepted at Bath Domestic Science College and Gipsy Hill College of Education respectively.

    Janette Taylor is enjoying her first year of Occupational Therapy at Loughborough while Melanie Lusty is doing Radiography at Winchester General Hospital. Maureen Fitzgerald is nursing at University College Hospital. Anne Hoctor is training for S.R.N. at the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar; she was commended in a Portsmouth Paper for applying the Kiss of Life successfully to an old lady who had slipped into Portsmouth Harbour from the Gosport Ferry.

    Paula Goodale is a programme secretary with the B.B.C. Women's Hour and shares a flat with Rosemary Andrews (Fluff) who is now working for the Ministry of Labour in London.

    Allan Martin and Michael Armistead are at Technical Colleges, John Payne (1963) dropped a card at Christmas to say that he is with the Zambia Police Force.

    Working on computers for the Admiralty is John Haylock while David Roberts is working at the Royal Air Force Experimental Station. Farnborough. Brendan Breslin is also working for the Ministry of Defence (Navy).

    Naturally a great many of our boys go into the Services and few, if any, keep in touch, but Christopher Deakin is a Cadet at Dartmouth and John Passmore and John Melton are Midshipmen. Michael Jamieson is a Flying Cadet in the R.A.F. and Mike Gilham has joined British Eagle Airways.

    Maureen Sillis is working in the research laboratories of English Clays Lovering Pochin Ltd., where she finds plenty of interest and says there is more in the clay industry than you would imagine.

    Recently Albert England visited the school; he left as long ago as 1955 and is now a Flying Officer, R.A.F., having entered as an apprentice. He said he has met many old Tal-Handaq boys in the service. Another v;sitor was Alan Mogridge who left in 1959 who, after a spell as a Civil Servant, is now at the City of Birmingham College of Education at the end of his second year. He occasionally meets Ian Chesney, a first year student.

    Brian Fuller is a lecturer in Photo-Mechanical reproduction with Kodak Ltd., London, and his brother Peter is an apprentice with R. & J. Beck Optical Instrument Manufacturers at Watford.

    I should like to thank Brian in particular for his help in compiling this newsletter and also all who write or send messages which have contributed to this column. I hope more will do so and that the day will soon come when there is a flourishing Old Pupils' Association.

    (It took a while Ma'am but we got there in the end. DMG)   LINK  Royal Naval School Tal-Handaq - Common Room


     Mr. R. Gerrard with the School Choir.


    The winter term is always a busy one musically and this 1965 term was no exception. The School Choir acquitted itself very well at the Annual Prize Giving Day and rendered The Jolly Roger in boisterous terms.

    This year we prepared Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore and a lot of hard work was deemed necessary due to a late start. However, after much blood, sweat and tears it finally took shape and although not quite coming up to previous years productions - - the Male Voices were a little on the thin side — it proved very successful and enjoyable. We discovered two good voices in 'Jon Field and David Jefferies who really gave splendid performances.

     Susan Pearson as Buttercup also was successful and her voice has improved very much.

    "Now we are preparing for the Annual Concert, and most lunch times one will hear the various instrumental groups, choir and rhythm groups practising. This year we are inviting Margaret Marks as our guest artist.

    We shall be very 'sorry to be losing this summer Mr. Harry Wilkinson, who has given very freely of his time to the Music Department. His Junior Choir has always delighted us all, and we shall always remember his beautiful performances in, the Annual Gilbert and Sullivan (productions, in Pinafore, lolanthe, Mikado, Patience. We wish him every success in his new venture.
















                                                        Mr H. Wilkinson with the Junior School Choir.


  • A Secretarial Service has been inaugurated this year for Members of Staff who wish, to avail themselves of the service. Second Year Shorthand Typists receive rapid promotion to the ranks of Private Secretaries and carry out all and any shorthand and typing duties their respective employers care to give them. All work is welcomed; in this way the girls become acquainted with a wide variety of jobs which it is unlikely - - sometimes extremely unlikely -that they would meet in the course of normal class instruction.

  • The girls willingly sacrifice their breaks and lunch-hours for any "rush" jobs, and there is a certain amount of "sub-contracting" carried out amongst themselves, which is also valuable experience.

  • Though the Summer Term leads itself particularly to this Service, especially as the main, (C.S.E.,) Shorthand and Typewriting examinations are taken in the Spring Term, it is hoped to continue in a limited fashion through the Autumn and Spring terms next year and applications are invited for the positions of employer and employed.



    The Junior Drama Competition was held this year on 27th May in the Hall, The audience consisted of members of the First and Second Years, and the adjudicators were Mrs. Madeleine Attard Montalto and Mrs. Pamela Nash, both well-known locally for their acting talents.

    The main purpose of the Competition is to give the Seniors, in this case the Lower Sixth, a chance to produce a play, and the Juniors a chance to act in a play. The casts of School productions are normally drawn from the Seniors, so it was felt important to give the Juniors an opportunity to display their acting abilities. The play chosen this year was an extract from "A Midsummer Night's Dream", consisting of Bottom's play before Thesus and Hippolyta, a scene which presents considerable difficulties to both producer and actor. All four Houses presented the same scene, and the difference between productions was, as usual, very instructive. The stage setting was the same for all productions; part of the test was to see how effectively producers made use of the stage in these conditions.

    After the four Houses had presented the!r scenes, Mrs. Montalto made a very interesting and stimulating criticism of all aspects of the productions, commenting in particular on the use of stage, the importance of exits and entrances, the projection of the actors' voices, the need for careful study by the producer of the different parts of the scene and the effectiveness of the costumes. The order of merit as decided by the adjudicators was as follows: — 1st: St. Vincent; 2nd: Drake; 3rd: Nelson and 4th: Hawkms. The producer of the winning play for St. Vincent, Lois Reed, was particularly commended by .the adjudicators; she had got exactly what she wanted from her cast and had made a particularly effective use of the stage. The best actor in the competition was Peter King of St. Vincent, and the runner-up was Jeremy Thompson, of the same House.

    Our thanks are due to the adjudicators for contributing so much of their time and experience to make the Junior Drama Competition a valuable educational experience, and to the producers and actors in each House for doing their best to present worthwhile productions.


    When I first saw people skiing, I never thought that I might ever have the chance to ski.

    Then a year later we were out on our boat, and two men came up to us in their speed-boat. My father said these men were to teach us how to ski.

    It was then, that I realised how much fun, yet also how difficult, skiing could be. The boat seems to go very fast, when you first try to get up on skis. One fault though, is very common, and that is to bend your arms. (Arms are supposed to be kept straight); I did this most frequently.

    Once, you are capable of skiing on two skis, you are ready to learn how to ski on a slalom. This is one ski, with two footholds. Skiing on a slalom takes a lot of patience, and balance. It is very good to achieve this, because then you have the skill and training for a "trick-skier". This is at "the top of the water-skiing world" when you can trick-ski successfully.

    I enjoy skiing, and I am sure anyone who can ski, also enjoys it.


    Cast and back-stage team on the set designed by Robert Gale for "Blithe Spirit."


    This year's Easter production was "Blithe Spirit", an improbable farce I by Noel Coward. There were two performances on Monday the 4th and Tuesday the 5th of April.

    Rehearsals started early in the Easter Term, and the cast, under the expert guidance of Mrs. Cronin, the producer, put in a lot of hard work to perfect their parts.

    The cast was as follows: —

    Edith (the maid) - Gillian Coe   Ruth Condomine  - Liz Jameson      Charles Condomine  -   Bob Gale

    Dr. Bradman  -  David Radford  Mrs. Bradman -  Gloria Evans  Madame Arcarti - Lois Reed   Elvira - Felicity Burge

       Madame Arcarti acted with the greatest of ease and self confidence. She deserved the frequent applause of the audience. Well done Lois !

    Charles Condomine (Bob Gale) played his difficult part with ease, showing great versatility, as he was also the designer.

    Ruth Condomine (Liz Jameson) delivered her lines with clarity, and acted well throughout, a fine effort as she spent a lot of time on stage.

    Dr. Bradman (David Radford) was an excellent choice for this part, his dry attitude and his refusal to get ruffled was very well done. He could however have acted with a little more movement and audibility.

    Mrs. Bradman, as played by Gloria Evans, would have been better if Gloria had delivered her lines with more feeling and volume.

    Elvira played a well acted part. Her movement about the stage could, however, have been increased, as she had some long periods in one spot. However Felicity did very well.

    Edith, the maid, (Gillian Coe) played her small part with great aplomb and courage. Her 'cockney' accent was well suited for the part.

    It was an excellent show, and full marks must go to Mrs. Cronin, the producer, for all the hard work and encouragement she, put into producing the final result.

    Congratulations to all concerned backstage for making a splendid effort to produce a first class show. Well done all!



    1965 — 1966

    The Junior section was not as) active as in the previous year or as the committee would have l;ked. Nevertheless we kicked off with a normal debate, the motion being "Ghosts do not exist."

    Including chairman and speakers there were 65 people present. Janet Morley and Wendy Battleday proposed the motion with the able help of Joseph Vincent!. All four speakers put forward their case in a lively fashion. When the motion was open to the floor there was) no lack of response — this being a subject on which everyone knew something. The voting though showed that as far as the house was concerned1 ghosts definitely do not exist -- Result :-Motion 45 Opposition 14.

    There were seating problems for the Balloon Debate. The floor, generally responsive, were 95 in number. The characters in the balloon were, in order of their speeches, Douglas Parkhouse as Victor Aquilina, Evelyn Wilson as the Goddess Venus, Robert Body as James Bond, Chris Howells as Dennis Law, Susan Harkes as Sandy .Shaw,

    All people in the Balloon managed to find fault with the others without actually 'exposing their good points. Venus though managed to remain with 40 votes, Denis Law trailing second with 8. The ether votes were Queen Victoria 18, Sandy Shaw 10, James Bond 6 and Victor Aquilna 6.

    In the next Debate Robert Body and Richard King proposed the motion "Racial Segregation should not exist." To oppose it were Edward Eichman and Janet Morley. The floor was as usual responsive once someone had set the ball rolling. Result — a 'Surprise for most -- Motion 8 Opposition 14.

    In the following term the Society had a successful and entertaining Bran Tub Debate. 29 of the 30 people present spoke on such subjects as toothpaste, boys, Treehouses, etc. The sole purpose of this Debate was to entertain, no objective being reached.

    Our next, and so far sadly last Debate was attended by 35 persons. Robert Body and Andrew Gilham proposed that Modern Clothes are made for comfort rather than fashion. Andrew Hay and Peter Neal opposed it. There was never a dull moment either when the speakers were presenting their case or when it was open to the floor. The Result:- Motion 9 Opposition 19 Abstained 2.

    The average attendance throughout was 51.4. The Chairmanship was in the capable hands of Andrew Gilham and the committee was :- R. King (Secretary) S. Harkes, E, Walker, E. Wilson and C. Walker.

    The Chairman and Committee would like to thank Mr. Morris for arranging these Tuesday evening activities.

    R. KING -- 2A Secretary


    SCHOOL SAILING 1965-66

    Once again school .sailing has had a very good year, the mild winter resulting in the minimum of cancelled sailing days. Pupils have been extremely active in all aspects of the sport.

    For the first time a school racing team was formed and we have had a number of successes against service teams, our best achievement being the taking of the first four places out of eight in a race against the R.N. Malta team.

    Coxswains for the school have included Mr. R.J. Tatton, J. Saddler, D. Radford, J, Atherton and J. Beadle.

    In the school regatta John Saddler won both the Swordfish and R.N.S.A. dinghy trophies. John has also gained a Mate's certificate for Folkboat helms with the Malta Garrison Sailing Club, a fine achievement.

    Jack Ferrett won the Cove Trophy and Spoon, and Robin Levin has had several successes racing with the R.A.F. Club.

    Several pupils have participated in Yacht races during the summer and early autumn, Mr. McGillivray helmed the yacht "Sonia" in the Syracuse-Malta race with Nigel Dawson and Michael Winkworth in the crew.

    A small number of fourth-formers are learning to sail on Thursday and it is hoped to increase their numbers as soon as new coxwains become qualified.

    Finally I should like to thank Mr. McGillivray and other members of the staff for the constant help and encouragement they have given us, and also to thank the Fleet Recreation Officer and the Malta Garrison Sailing Club who have kindly made their boat's available to us.

    M.J.B.. WINKWORTH (Sailing Secretary)

    OPEN DAY 1966

    After the success of last year's Open Day, it was decided this year to continue in the same vein, and comments from visiting parents would suggest that this year's day was just as entertaining.

    The afternoon's entertainment opened with a fine gymnastic display by the girls. The theme "Curl and Stretch positions" was developed throughout the display from the simpler positions shown by the junior girls to the more complicated work on the apparatus done by the seniors. All the girls performed very well, and their display was well received.

    The boy's display, in marked contrast, was done with a musical accompaniment. This team consisted of boys of the second year, who entertained the visitors with a well-drilled display of running, vaulting and diving, to the sound of Traditional Jazz and the melodious discord of the Beatles. Brian Jackson and Reg Woodcock, the sixth-formers who organised this display, are to be congratulated on their fine effort.

    A more relaxing entertainment followed. Girls from all the years gave a fashion parade, modelling clothes which they had made in school. A variety of styles was displayed, and .the girls modelled their clothes with a grace and confidence that charmed the audience. Penelope Parker, of the Sixth Form, gave a very composed and authoritative commentary.

    The static exhibition in the Hall caused much favourable criticism. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme was represented here this year, so that instead of watching members climbing up classroom walls as they did last year, visitors could see a pictorial report on the recent successful expedition to Mount Etna. "From classroom wall to Mount Etna in one year" is a slogan these 'schemers' can be proud of.

    The Battle of Hastings was the theme of the History project, done over a period of a fortnight by 2B, including 'Monty's' version ! This was a good example of the kind of work done in projects, and the visitors showed great interest in it.

    It would be impossible to mention all the exhibits of Art and Craft in detail. This article would then look like a catalogue from Sothebys ! Suffice it to say that there were all of the extremely high standard to which we have become accustomed at Tal-Handaq. It is worth mentioning here that this standard is still maintained in spite of a continuous turnover off pupil population.

    Perhaps the kindest comment made on the Art and Craft exhibits was "Some of them look so good, they could even have come from a shop!" perhaps the unkindest "They did come from a shop!" The Departments concerned will no doubt accept both these comments as compliments !



    In Malta the sea is a beautiful thing. When you slip into the sea you slip into a new world of beautiful sea plants and tropical fish. Suddenly — disaster! You come up against rubbish which has been dumped there by man who has maybe never seen this world. The sea is the biggest rubbish dump in the world. David Archer

      Welcome rest at a well on the way to Mile.



    In the three years the scheme has existed at Tal-Handaq. 1965-66 has not only been the most successful, but also the most eventful year. The year was high-lighted by the expedition to Mount Etna in April this year, which was successful both from the point of view of those who went on it, and the point of view of future expeditions. At the start of the year, there were twenty-seven people engaged in award work at various levels, and on Prize Day, M. Gilham received his Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award. Altogether ten boys received awards on Prize Day.

    Meetings are held every Monday of the week doing lunch hour.

    At these meetings proposed camps, hobbies and other items of general interest are discussed. During the winter and spring, many  camps are held, and an ideal camp site was found last year on the southern coast of the island at a place known as 'Angel's Leap'; such camps and hikes stop only when the weather becomes too hot for them.

    This summer several members will be taking Royal Life Saving Society Tests, in order to qualify for their various awards.

    This pursuits and projects followed by memo award are many and varied including metalwork, art, debating, philately, meteorology  and many others. For the future there are at present many schemes being considered,  but one thing is definite, due to the success of the Etna Expedition, it has been decided to hold an annual one. mainly for boys wishing to do their Gold Medal, but ijt will be also open to silver and bronze awards.

    Thus we have ended our most successful year yet and at present, it appears that 1966-67 will be equally if not more successful

  • P-J. ROSS — Va


    First night's camp site near Lingnalossa.

     SICILY EXPEDITION -- 12th-20th APRIL, 1966

    The principal aim of the expedition was to reach the required standard of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, Expedition Section. Peter Ross and Roger Simpson were aiming at the Gold Award, Richard Hoctor, James Joyner, Philip Simpson and Iain Smith at the Silver Award, and Stephen Paddon at the Bronze Award. Robert Gale joined the party out of interest and to record his artistic impressions. Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Houston accompanied the boys.

    Training and preparation began early in the Autumn term with map-reading, rock-climbing, week-end camps and plenty o;f walking with and without rucksacks, all designed as a general 'toughening up' process. Menus were made out and dehydrated foods bought; rucksacks, mess tins, stoves, tents, sleeping bags and ground sheets were issued; itineraries were planned in detail. On the evening of April 12th we boarded the M/V Livorno.

    We record the expedition in diary form:

    Wednesday, 13th April

    After a very smooth crossing we entered Syracuse harbour in the early morning, disembarked and walked through the quiet, metalled streets to the railway station. Sleepy-eyed dockers watched us curiously.

    The 07.30 train took us to Catania and on to Giarre through countryside at first rather like Malta, but dusty-brown plains soon gave way to green hills. We had the greatest difficulty in getting off the crowded train with our awkward rucksacks and we only achieved it by pushing and shouting. Even so Philip Simpson was almost taken on to Messina. The Stationmaster was purple with fury, gesticulated wildly and rated us soundly; fortunately we did not understand him.

    A small diesel train took us up the hills to Linguaglossa through vineyards, orange and lemon groves, potato, cabbage and onion fields. The green foliage of the cherry and willow trees contrasted sharply with the black rock of the walls. From Linguaglossa, 2,400 feet above sea-level, we began to walk. The road was steep and the sun was hot: our packs felt heavy. In mid-afternoon we struck camp near the well of a friendly farmer.

    Thursday, 14th April

    We rose early after a windy, rainy night, and breakfasted in misty drizzle. Once our gear was packed we began a long, uphill journey on a road which twisted its way through terraced vineyards and then through thick pine forest. The weather changed with amazing speed, mist and rain alternating with sunshine and at times the road took on a ghostly appearance with swirling dense cloud coming off it like steam. In the clear spells we could pick out the tip of southern Italy.

    At 4,800 feet we reached the Villagio Turistico, obtained permission to camp and thankfully lowered our packs. We were in a 'village' of wooden chalets grouped round a central lodge in a park of huge pines. Dominating the whole scene was the snow-capped peak of Etna with a pall of menacing smoke hanging ^ver it. That evening showers of brilliant sparks spurted from the crater. We slept well despite the cold.

    Friday, 15th April

    A cloudless, sunny morning. We left the tents pitched and split into two groups, each carrying food for the day.

    Gold Award group. By map and compass bearing we climbed, leaving the road, towards a distant mountain hut. The going became hard, over ice and snow patches, and loose volcanic ash. We pulled ourselves exhausted into the hut after three hours of gruelling labour. As we ate our eyes ranged over the Straits of Messina to the distant Calabrian Mountains, while behind us loomed another 4,000 feet of Etna.

    We took a direct bearing back to the Villagio which was just visible far below us in the pines, and began the return journey. By moving from one prominent object to another we made rapid progress, in spite of the density of the trees, and two hours later we emerged from the forest just above our camp.

    Silver and Bronze Award group. The road from the camp rose steeply to its crest and an hour's walk brought us to its abrupt end. En route the vegetation changed from forest to sparse, bleak scrub growing in black rock and lava dust. We were in a layer of black with Etna white above us and the forest green below.

    Our task of travelling across country to link up with another road was simplified by our finding a track of black dust, which led through a wretched, sterile valley, winding among extinct craters. Nature had renounced this spot. Reaching the road we followed it to its end then undertook a long, arduous climb, in fierce heat and choking dust, to reach stretches of pure, soft snow.

    Refreshed by a meal, we made our way back along the mountainside, dropping gradually from the loose black rubble to the cool shade of the trees. Eventually we struck the road near the camp.

    Neither the cold nor the roaring of the wind through the trees could keep us awake that night.

    Saturday, 16th April

    We broke camp under an overcast sky, hastily sheltered from a short, heavy shower, then the whole party set off to walk the 15 miles to our next stop, Milo. From 5,600 feet at the crest of the hill it was downhill all the way to 2,300 feet.

    As the road wound endlessly down, the sun got hotter and hotter. Again we passed from black, lifeless rock, through the forest line, to cultivated, hillside fields. Feet burning and bodies caked with sweat, we were more than relieved to stop at midday at the first water we found.

    An hour later, stoves and food repacked, we pursued the road through the heat of the afternoon to the friendly village of Milo. Some searching was necessary before we found a suitable camp site on the edge of a vineyard. An evening visit to the village cafe revealed clearly the curiosity, the volubility but principally the friendliness of the local people. Many friends were made as we struggled to converse in an odd mixture of Italian, French and English.

  • Sunday, 17th April

    We again split into two groups.

    Gold Award group. Stocked with fresh fruit and bread, we left the camp site at 08.80 on the most difficult part of the expedition — the climib from Zafferana to the crater itself, a distance of 23 kilometres and a climb of 8,500 feet. During the morning we were surprised, on asking for water at what we took to be a private house, to be served in high style by a waiter.

    Looking ahead, at noon, from an ideal camp site to a barren lava bed which seemed limitless, we had to decide whether to go on and risk not finding water or to stay where we were. A solitary workman solved our problem, informing us in impeccable English that we would be well advised to stay where we were. Accordingly we set up camp, washed, ate and spent a very pleasant evening round a camp fire.

    Silver and Bronze Award group. We had a more leisurely start and found our way to Pedara where we contacted a farmer who had agreed by letter to allow us to camp on his farm. The setting was beautiful: tiers of sprouting vines covered the hillside, dotted here and there with cherry trees in blossom. The farmer was proud of his farm and took great delight in showing us the edible chestnut, the mulberry, the apricot and pear trees, and pointing out the sweeping view of the lowland towns 2,000 feet below.

    Monday, 18th April

    Gold Award group. Wakened early by woodcutters' lorries, we were packed and underway at 08.30, with 13 kilometres of rough country and a climb of 3,000 feet ahead. The road soon disappeared in the lava stream and progress became slow and tiring. Quite unexpectedly we came upon a small plain of cherry trees and, refreshed by a light meal, carried on to find the road to Sapienza.

    At 1300 hours we were refused water at a lonely farmhouse, but presented with a bottle of local wine. We drank thirstily, every drop, watched by a beaming smile and, slightly heady under our heavy packs, plodded on over the last lap. Fortunately this proved relatively easy and we reached Sapienza at 1400 hours. Facilities for camping were poor but a sympathetic cafe proprietor let us sleep on his floor. We slept soundly.

    Silver and Bronze Award group. This was a day of rest and relaxation in tranquil surroundings and beautiful weather. Visits were made to Pedara and neighbouring towns for shopping, sight-seeing and to meet the local inhabitants. Quite a number of friendships were struck up and Sicilian hospitality was seemingly unlimited.

  •                                                         Peter Ross and Stephen Paddon "reach the top."

    Tuesday, 19th April

    Today was to see the climax of the expedition. The two groups rejoined at Sapienza and contemplated the remaining 4,000 of Etna still to be climbed. Four hours had been estimated to cover the five enervating kilometres. The first part of the journey, following the route of the cable railway, was steep and exhausting as we slithered and slipped on the loose surface. We rested at regular intervals and took turns to shoulder the single rucksack.

    A more charitable gradient followed, ending at the Observatory, but now the howling, biting wind forced us into pullovers, anoraks and gloves. The tremendous panorama below us seemed to encompass the whole of southern Sicily, and the smoking crater above us seemed so near. Near it was, but before we could reach it we had to cross a glacier, pull ourselves wearily up an 800 foot slope of ash and snow in the cutting wind and choking fumes. Little by little, sometimes on hands and knees, we reached the top.

    The smell of sulphur was overpowering. The air temperature was below aero but it was hot underfoot as steam hissed from the ash and rubble. We stood there at the summit of Etna, cold, dirty and delighted. We had done it.


    The descent to Sapienza took two hours, including a stop for hot, revitalising soup. We washed off the thick layers of dust, got into the bus and sank wearily onto the seats.

    It was almost dark when we returned to the farm at Pedara but we cooked and ate a mountainous meal, then we crawled into our sleeping bags, exhausted.

    Wednesday, 20th April

    We packed our belongings for the last time, expressed our thanks to our farmer host and said farewell. To Catania by bus, a quick shopping expedition, then on to Syracuse by train, over the countryside we had come through one week before. A further wait in Syracuse before boarding the 'Citta di Alessandria' and we were soon at sea, heading home through the night.

    The expedition was a great success and an unforgettable experience. Sicilian hospitality, the beautiful scenery, the unpredictable weather we shall long remember; nor shall we forget the camaraderie, the cheerfulness and the witty asides which were always present. What stands out most, however, is the sense of achievement we felt as we looked down from the summit of Etna.

    As we recall these things we realise how much we enjoyed, how much we hope to repeat, and how much we learned from, our expedition. We wish to express our thanks to Mr. Gallagher for the many letters he translated for us, to th/e Royal Navy, from we borrowed the necessary equipment, and especially to Mr. Tomlinson for his patience, his encouragement and his leadership.

  • F.C.H



    Waiting to disembark from the "Citta di Alessandria."












    Drifting down, slowly, slowly ....


    With the wind, like cotton wool, Circling round and round . . then landing-softly,


    The child knelt on the window seat

    Peering out to see a swirling mass of white flakes

    Encircling the gardens in great profusion;

    Through the frosty window-panes he saw the wonderful . . .

    The miraculous .... the Transformation.

    The rose trees, covered in the cold white fluff.

    And the beeches, oaks and evergreens;

    "How can this be? why can this be That the ugly duckling can be changed this way?

    The dark, bare woods of times gone by Have become a glistening heaven".

    The boy saw a dark figure emerge from the cosmos

    Of snowflakes.

    It advanced towards him until he saw a vague pink blur

    Which he knew must be ... strained with the cold,

    The weatherbeaten face of the streetlighter.

    The man paused and rubbed his wrinkled hands together,

    . . . almost numbed by the merciless snow.

    He took a step, and leaned against the ornate wrought iron post

    and looked up, to see, swirling round and round, and then

    landing softly . . . entirely without sound of any kind

    The snowflakes, as they fell on to his pole

    And coated it with a silvery layer, studded with diamonds.

    Painfully, he lifted his pole to the glass of the lamp

    And a light shone;

    One solitary light. Was it like this on that winter's night

    So long ago? Was it all like this? A wonderland of Nature's . .

    Her own wonderful creation Will I ever know?  VALERIE GRIST — 3A.


    The tanker, the liner,

    The tug-boat too.

    Busily working and causing a hew.

    All the ships crews working away.

    At the end of the week they get their pay.

    I. WATSON — IB.


    Into the night rides a highwayman on a big long legged bay.

    He hides in copse on the Dover road. Waiting, waiting.

    Clipperty clop ! Clipperty clop ! Here comes the coach thundering into the night.

    Click ! Click ! With pistols cocked he rides into the road. Hold fast!

    The coachmans challenge rings out, "Who's there? Who's there?"

    Bang! Bang ! The coachman falls to the ground, Dead ! Dead !

    Clip clop ! The door is now opened and passengers spill out.

    Empty your pockets ! Give me, your jewels !

    Bang! Bang ! He fires into the air and off goes .the driverless coach.

    Clipperty clop! Clipperty clop ! Off rides the highwayman into the night.

    D. BROWN — 4Q.




    We started off at the Staff Room and when we were fully on the course there were three boys with me. As we passed by a lane there was a woman with some sheep and goats.

    She had a few tied up but one goat, which was frightened by the noise which we made, made a run for it and chased after the four of us. Of course we ran but it gained on us. Soon it passed us and my three friends stopped, but I kept on running and the goat chased after me. I ran my fastest but the goat still kept up with me. It followed me for about one mile and then it slowed down. By this time I was about fifty yards ahead of the next boy. It still continued up the cross-country course, still chasing after people. At last I came in and I was first, in sixteen minutes, twenty seconds-thirty-nine seconds ahead of the second runner who was the record holder with about fifteen minutes. And even the goat came in to the school holding sixth place. So if it wasn't for the goat I would not have won the race.



    There was once an Eastern King who, after sweating too much in his centrally heated house, had a grass house built. Because he had an insulated gold plated throne that was too heavy for his grass house he had a grass one made and put the heavy one in the loft of his other house. This area was subject to earthquakes and one day the ground trembled so much that the throne fell out of the loft and crushed his Majesty and his grass house.



  • When dark skies start to appear And soft white snow conies floating down, Thunder and lightning you do hear, This means that winter has come round.

    The howling winds that blow all day, The bleak, black, days that look like night, The lightning that does flash away, And thunder crashes with all its might.

    The soft white snow comes sailing down, And children do enjoy The pleasure of the snow around, And girls do snowball fight the boys.

    But soon the ice will melt away, And the sun will shine again, "Here comes the sun" the people say, And wish away the rain.


    Experiments in Physics




    As I boarded the ship at Malta I had the feeling that I was going to enjoy myself.

    We were all met by an assistant matron who took us to our dormitory and she told 'us to try and sort ourselves out as well as we could. Everyone found a bunk and tidied themselves up to see the ship leave Malta. About 3.30 p.m. we had a muster practice.

    We were told that we must never run on board ship and several other sensible rules.

    About 6.30 p.m., we were called to dinner which was very tasty. After dinner we were called to the assembly hall for a demonstration on how to make our bunks properly. By 9.30 p.m. everyone in our dormitory was ready for bed, but most of us were still awake at 1 a.m., when the night sister came round.

    The next thing after the night sister came round that I remembered that night, is waking up to a record being played over the loud speaker at 7 o'clock, which I never knew existed.

    I crawled out of bed and grabbed my wash-things and hurried to the bathrooms, but all the washbasins were being -used so ,1 went to the dormitory and got my sister to help me make my bed, she did, so I helped her with hers. After I had done this the bathroom was empty so I had my wash then. When I had got dressed the prefect told me that I had been chosen to sweep the dormitory. At 9 a.m. we had to (leave the dormitory until 11 a.m. because the captain would be inspecting the dormitories). At 10 a.m. we docked at Tripoli to pick up 200 American students. While we were still docked we had our lunch, then about 2 p.m. we set sail from Tripoli to arrive at Rhodes on Tuesday.

    On Sunday we got up at 7 o'clock and did the usual routine. At 11 o'clock we went to a church service which lasted for an hour, after that I went into the recreation room until group 11 was called for lunch. After lunch around 2 o'clock we were called to the assembly hall for a lecture about the Devonia, then after that I went to the dormitory and had a little rest. At 6.30 p.m., we were called for dinner then I stayed in the recreation room until 9.00 p.m., when I went for supper then I went to the dormitory to get ready for bed.

    About 10.30 a.m. on Monday we sailed past Crete and saw the snowcapped mountains. We had three lessons before lunch and three lessons after lunch. Then I went to the dormitory until group 11 was called for dinner. In the evening there was a fun-fair.

    Tuesday we arrived at Rhodes and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    Wednesday we were at sea all day. It was Ash Wednesday so at 8.45 a.m. we all went to church. I wrote 4 letters home. In the evening I had a shower and washed my hair then I went to bed early.

    Thursday we arrived at Istanbul it was very interesting but I did not like it though.

    Friday we were at sea all day long. All we did was the usual routine in the morning and having three lessons before and after lunch then I went to a dance in the evening and went to bed about a quarter to ten.

    I really enjoyed that week very much.



  • The first sights of Istanbul

    Were the ferry-boats,

    Shunting, whistling, calling, sailing on the Golden Horn,

    The colours,

    The people,

    The language,

    The music,


    The bazaar, colours bright and gay,

    Carpets, slippers, pipes, dolls,

    Fezes and Turkish Delight.

    The calls of the shopkeepers,

    In more languages than one,

    The brown people,

    The tourists,


    The mosques, large and circular,

    Forbidding and quiet,

    Blue and grey and white.

    The shining marble,

    The carpeted floors,

    The candles,

    Minarets tall and slender, towering above the city.




    Topkapi, low and long.

    Cool and elegant,

    The emeralds,


    Golden thrones,




    The last sights of Istanbul,

    The ferry boats shunting,

    The bazaar just in the distance,

    The Mosques with their great domes,

    The Minarets up high,

    Topkapi glistening in the sun,

    The Golden Horn silent and long,







    Rhodes is the largest island of the Do-Decanese, meaning "twelve islands"; (Do=12; Decanese = islands). It has an area of 500 square miles, 20 miles wide and 50 miles long.

    In 1100 B.C. it was colonized by the Dorian Greeks and it soon became a great trading centre with a fairly large harbour. The city was founded in 408 B.C. and was nearly always on friendly terms with the Egyptians and the Persians. St. Paul visited the capital which was then Lyndes (now Rhodes) in A.D. 105 and made it part of the Byzantine Empire. From time to time it was attacked by various races and in 1309 it was sold to the Knights of St. John. These men ruled it from 1309 until 1522 until they were overthrown by Soliman the Magnificent.

    A few hundred years later the famous Hospital was turned into a museum. One of the prize exhibits is a beautifully carved statuette of Venus in pure white marble standing 19" high.

    From 1912 until 1945 Rhodes was an Italian possession but it is now a Greek island.


    The Colossus was the gigantic figure of man cast in bronze, 105 feet high. It stood astride the harbour entrance from 280 B.C. until 227 B.C. when it fell after an earthquake. A great number of remains were found by a Jew who sold them to the Saracens. Nine-hundred camels were needed to carry the pieces. Up until now no trace has ever been found of the Colossus.

    A. STURROCK — 3B.


    At the beginning of October an inaugural meeting of the Society was held, and from the very poor attendance it appeared ais though the Scientific Society would have to strive to attract more attention and thus increase its membership.

    On the whole we have had meetings on a large range of subject;, all being enjoyable and informative. The attendance at our first official meeting, when Mr. Dennison came to talk on Photography, was very poor but all the same it turned out to tie very enjoyable. Four films have been shown to the Society, constituting two meetings. At the first of these were shown films on Plastics and the Scheiron effect. This again had a very scanty attendance, but when the other two films were shown, one on the National Physics Laboratory at Teddington where sea-faring vessels. are tested for their stability, the other on the Nuclear Power Station at Harwell, the number present rose considerably. Mr. Hatehard very kindly came to talk about Meteorology but it seemed a pity that he .should give up his time to talk to so few people, however, his lectures were very informative and enjoyable. One of the major events of the Society this, year was undoubtedly a visit to the Control Tower at Luqa. Flt/Lt. Kasiok gave us a most interesting description of the work of Air Traffic Controls and the following week a party from the school visited the Tower. The last meeting we had was a lecture by Professor Lewis of the University of Malta on "Quantum Numbers." This was mainly of interest to those taking "A" Level Sciences, but was still reasonably well supported.

    Before the end of the year we are hoping to have talks on Pathology and Vetinary Surgery, as well a« a talk by Professor Edwards of the University of Malta, but it seems almost insulting to the people invited to talk if so few listen to them:. Do not get the impression that all our talks are technical -the majority are not! The Society is open to all 4th, 5th and 6th formers, so why not give it a try ?

    Our thanks go to Mr. Hitchcott and Lt/Cdr. Swift for all their assistance, and to those who have either spoken to the Society or supported it — thank you.

    ANNE DENNISON (Secretary) ROBIN LEVIN (Chairman)


    The train with its whistle and funnel and steam,

    Goes racing past corn fields and hedge-row and stream,

    The smoke from the funnel is left far behind,

    To go curling and whirling down railway tracks lined.

    The cows by the wayside all nod with surprise,

    While children and parents (shout) with laughter and cries,

    Here comes the city with chimneys so tall,

    With the train slowing down into a crawl,

    It pulls into the station just after a bend,

    I can think of no more so this is the end.


    Form 3C1 having their Art lesson.





    The Malta Weave Industry is one of the oldest industries of the island of Malta. It has been going on for years and is thriving. The industry does not export its goods to other lands therefore it is used as a tourist attraction. They also make the material on the island of Gozo but it is very rare there.

    The machine on which it is woven is similar to the loom. The thread is not wound onto a cotton reel but round a long piece of wood like a spindle. After the material is woven such articles as bags, tea cosies, table cloths and napkins are made. Skirt lengths can be obtained and the firm will make garments made to measure.

    Lace is also made by the Industry but this time by hand. A long, thick, round piece of cardboard is obtained and set on the knees. The thread from which the lace is made is fine and silky and is wound onto pieces of wood. When the casting on is finished the pieces of wood are just moved quickly across each other. Pins are placed in certain positions and in this way the pattern gradually grows from thread to a mat. It is averaged that more lace is made in Gozo and more Malta weave material in Malta.   LORRAINE WICKENS — 1A1.

    WHAT AM I?

    (1) I am sometimes Blue,  green, red or Brown,

    Sometimes big, sometimes small,

    children sometimes carry me,

    I carry books, most times work, Sometimes play,

    Sometimes pens, pencils or crayons all the time.

    what am I?

    (3) I am a King,

    yellow like my crown, four legs have I, two at my front, two at my hind,

    My hair is fuzzy, My tail is long, and always at my prey,

    what am I?


    2) I am very old,

    never young, most times with a stew pot, lid and all,

    rats ears and rubber balls, Bad apples and good,

    Sometimes people, sometimes Bears, but most of all,

    I eat 'em. what am I?

    (4) I have a cone, like all things do, mostimes I'm red or green,

    I have sons all called pip, children like me, I live on a tree,

    Sometimes I fall, to rot under all.

    What am I?

    - Answers

    A school case. A witch. A lion.  An apple.




    Over the sea the wind did blow

     Capping the waves with white.

    Whilst in the sky the birds fly low,

    Searching far land in their flight.

    Then from the west came the

    lighthouse beam

    Guiding the ships safely home.

    The tired birds also saw the light,

    And felt relief after the long flight.




    The little bird that came last night.

    Has settled down and seems all right.

    He flew in through the window wide,

    T'was warmer than it was outside.

    The wind was very rough and strong,

    Made him too tired to fly along.

    His family but we cannot find,

    So we must keep him, we don't mind.

    We love to have him, he's so sweet,

    He makes our family so complete.




    In the black of night

    When the moon was white

    And the sunbeams shone on the trees,

    When the badger was outing

    And .the bees were shouting

    And the glow-worm flitted about

    Shining his light on the bees

    When he flitted in and out on the trees

    I walked along

    While the sunbeams shone

    And the night as black as black

    I saw the bees shouting

    I heard the badger outing

    And saw the glow-worm flitting about

    Shining his light on the bees

    As he flitted in and out of the trees.

    DEIDRE KING -- 1A2.




    The big annual dance held at the Sports Club was being held in a weeks time and I realized I was in dear need of a .new dress, so I decided to go into town after my work was finished at the office. My savings were fairly limited so I didn't want anything too flamboyant; just something plain and smart. At five o'clock I made my way into the busy thoroughfare and weaved my way in and out of shops and harassed people. At seven o'clock I still hadn't seen anything I particularly liked and my feet were hurting so I decided to return home. On my way to the bus-stop I glanced aimlessly at all the dress shops. Suddenly I stopped and stared and looked again. In the window was the most wonderful, fabulous dress anyone could ever have seen. It looked magnificent under the bright light of the street lamp standing outside the shop, and the bodice, which was coated in sequins and dress jewels, sparkled brilliantly like multi-coloured chips of ice. There was a slight draught running through the window by a knothole in the wooden door at the back of the window display and this made the pale apricot chiffon that the dress was made of wave and shiver gracefully as if magically touched by an invisible hand.

    "This is the dress for me," I thought as I reached out and touched the beautiful material, that ran through my hands like silk. I closed my eyes and imagined myself floating into the magnificently decorated ball-room at the Sports Club, with the envious eyes of all the women upon m>e as I waltzed around the floor with the handsomest man there.

    But this was not the time for dreaming and so I hurried to my bus. I vowed I would not go to the ball unless I had that dress and that dress I knew would cost a small fortune — but I had to have it.

    For the next week I skimped, saved, begged and borrowed until I was sure I had enough money to buy my 'dream dress'. The night before the party I rushed down to the dress shop just in time to see a salesgirl climb into the window and begin to undress the model with my dress on it. My heart was in my mouth. Surely nobody had bought it!

    "Excuse me Miss, how much is that dress? The beautiful pink one. I would like very much to buy it."

    "But Madam," she declared, "this isn't a dress, it is just a dress length pinned onto a model to make it look like a dress. We can make it up for you in under two weeks but I can assure you it is only pinned." With that she extracted a large pin out from the back of the garment and yards and yards of billowing material, cascaded to the ground. My dream crumbled.

    "See!" she said triumphantly. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

    "No dance for me tomorrow," I thought.


    PRIZE DAY 26th November, 1965

    Prize Day at Tal-Handaq was held on Friday, 26th November, 1965. The Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, Admiral Sir John Hamilton, K.B.E., C.B., presided and the Presentation of Prizes and Certificates was made by the British High Commissioner, His Excellency Sir John Martin, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.V.O. Songs were sung by the Choir and School including a solo "Song for a Festival" (G. Dyson) sung by Diana Prater.


    To get to the Blue Grotto (which can only be approached from the sea) you have to take a boat from Zurrieq.

    There are only two main caves to the Grotto.

    First you go into the biggest cave which is the Blue Grotto itself. Inside it is very dark and almost impossible to take a photograph unless you go between half past seven to half past eight (between these times the colours are brightest). The sea is made up of many beautiful colours and on the walls of the cave there are mauve and yellow lumps, the latter being baby sponges.

    Next is .the Cats Cave, so called because cats have been seen on the almost vertical walls of the cave. In this cave there are also bright greens and blues, and it is so clear that looking through a glass-bottomed box you can see the wrinkles of the sand.

    From the Cats Cave you are taken back to Zurrieq.

    CELIA KERN — 1A1.


    Last minute thinking, and my papers still white, As I perch by the window in the fading light: Who would have thought it such a fight, To write a short verse for the school magazine.

    At last an inspiration, I see it so clear, But now it's too late, bedtime is here, What will they say when the time draws near; We can't publish that in the school magazine.

    Next year I'll know .to be ready in time, And when up the steps to the classroom I climb, I'll be able to go to the teacher and chime; Here is my poem for the school magazine.



    If I had a pony,

    Oh how lucky I'd be,

    I'd take him out for people to see.

    No matter what colour,

    Or breed or height,

    I'd love that pony, with all my might.

    And manners I'd teach him,

    With show tricks as well,

    Until to the judges, he'd ring that bell.




    Spring has come, Spring has come,

    The flowers come out and sing

    The daffodils play and blow

    their horns And the rabbits dance around in a ring.

    The birds twitter the sweetest songs

    The grass is moist and gay

    The daises blossom in the bright sun

    And the sea ripples all day.






    With a gentle shlurrp the punt pushed by

    the chestnut trees and mossy paths, The weeping willows hanging high above and tiplessly limp, watching man tread the paths of Cambridge.

    Students bustle by in a flourish of rustling capes, while the punt goes on by the swans, whose figures are reflected in the green cool, rippling rivers of Cambridge.

    Winter stills all life and the punts don't glide down the river now, But the sweet, clear, voices of young men, sing in the choirs, of Cambridge.



    Half a league, half a league, Half a league forward, All round the valley of flames Rode the six firemen. "Forward the Fire brigade! Charge with the water! he said: All round the valley of flames Rode the six firemen.

    "Forward the Fire brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd ? Not tho' the fireman knew Someone had fooled. Theirs not to make reply, And not to go and cry. Not e'en to go and die. All in the valley was peace, No fire for the fireman.

    P. ALLEN — 1A2.


    Stephen Spence goes in for a "lay-up" shot.


    The subject of beards generally makes me think of artists, or learned professors, or even Father Christmas. There are beards long, beards short, beards curly or straight, in a variety of colours and textures, but many of us wonder just what is it that will entice a man to walk around with a dreadful hairy growth on his face.

    Perhaps there is some deep reason way down in the subconscious of these hairy men, which compels them to allow their whiskers to grow and grow until they stick out in tufts on various parts of the face. Maybe it does an inferiority complex the world of good, or it could be that people wish to hide an odd-shaped chin, o-t perhaps the rising cost of razor blades has something to do with it. Anyhow, beards have been in existence since before the beginning of history, and they are obviously still with us, despite the fact that they are unfashionable and that they repulse a great number of people.

    Of course, in ancient times a beard was a sign of manhood, and any male person without one was considered very inferior. But today a beard's no longer the rule, and there is really no apparent reason for this "decline of the hairies", except perhaps that in this modern age with equality of the sexes becoming the accepted thing, women have at last been able to voice their true opinions of the horrible monstrosities which men seem to have always considered absolute necessities.

    Of the beards which still remain with us today, many are sported by artists and art students. Until about two years ago, a beard was the male art student's status-symbol, supposedly a sign of unwillingness to conform to accepted standards set by society. In fact, the term 'beard' is often used to apply to an artist. Quite apart from these are .the finely-shaped and well-cared-for beards which are seen attached to the chins of many distinguished gentlemen, which give these people a distinctive appearance, besides making a few of them appear quite ridiculous.

    Lastly, and definitely not to be sneered at, are the famed Bearded Ladies, who used to earn their fortunes in circuses. However, with .the new inventions of hair removers and so on, these ladies are fast becoming extinct, and it is to be hoped .that all beards of any shapes or sizes will, in the near future, suffer the same fate.



    The stone is steep and the dust is high,

    As the dynamite blast throws clouds to the sky

    Rocks and stones cascade and tumble

    While, the air is rent with constant rumble.

    Strong men at work with sweat and tools,

    Gather the gravel ere the atmosphere cools,

    Huge lorries and trucks haul uphill away,

    To the buildings and roads, there to work while its day.



    Spring fashions that are held each year,

    Range from evening clothes to the latest mod gear

    They include bathing costumes too,

    In latest style for me and you.

    Long hair for men is the mode, Which is the same as days of old Bellbottoms are the rage for girls, With long straight hair instead of curls.

    Narrow trousers are the thing for men Short skirts for the women And as each winter come around Over-coats are further from the ground.

    HAZEL BICK — 2C2.


    While I was in Scotland on holiday, my family and I went to Edinburgh and among other things we vis'ted the Museum of Childhood. This is not a children's museum. It is a museum which contains, preserved, children's articles of bygone days. On the first floor we saw wooden, metal, paper and plastic toys. There were some toy weapons: popguns, pea shooters, catapults, a Zulu water pistol and a potato gun.

    There were teddy bears, jigsaw puzzles, vintage clockwork cars and railway toys. We saw a great number of dolls from all nations and toy soldiers. There were also music boxes, construction toys and mechanical dolls.

    The second floor was also very interesting. It contained many examples of old hobbies such as sand and seaweed pictures and examples of stitchwork and sewing. There were early cameras and wireless receiving sets. There was also a delightful penny-in-the-slot machine in which you could see the Wedding of Madame Guillotine if you inserted a penny.

    The thing that fascinated me most was a dolls' house on the third floor. It had a dining room, drawing room, bedrooms, and kitchen, even an attic. In the attic were tiny chairs and pictures and miniature junk piled up. The owner of this house, the late Miss Graham Montgomery, had collected things for it all her life. In the drawing room there was a man sitting in an armchair reading a miniature Daily Mail! There were many tiny pieces of food in the kitchen and I think the house was marvellous. We also saw nursery china, children's medicines and dolls' clothing.

    The fourth and last floor contained foreign picture books, pens, rulers, reports and slates. There, were story books by famous authors, fairy tales, religious books, rag books and books by children. I was very interested to see the first editions of comics, some of which are still published today. If you ever go to Edinburgh I recommend the Museum of Childhood to you and I hope you will see it.



    In a graveyard cold and bare Ghosts of ages sit and stare Waiting, waiting everyone For revenge of ages gone.

    Hollow cheeks, sunken eyes

    Are their bodies which once have died;

    Waiting, waiting every one

    For revenge of ages gone.

    The clock chimes midnight, they arise Glowing bodies, haunting eyes, The time has come for all and one To have revenge of ages gone.

    Gliding through the graveyard bare Where through the ages they used to stare. The time has come for all and one To have revenge of ages gone.

    M. MURPHY — 2A1.


    O, mysterious glowing orb that guides the night,

    Far above the sleepy world,

    How cold your deep mysterious light!

    The silence creeps and reigns o'er your calm hill, O'er mountains high, o'er craters deep, Earth with silver light you ever fill.

    Your barren world, with mountains of eternal light No blizzards rage across your peaks, Which rise tremendous in the night.

    Brilliantly shines the earthlight on your crater-walls,

    Not for ever will peace remain,

    For soon from Earth the space-ship calls.

    Intrepid nations spanning space, successes to achieve, Will this change our thoughts of you O, moon of children's make-believe?


    4th Form at work in Woodwork Room.


    On Sunday the 15th of May 1966, I visited the U.S.S. America, with my scout group.

    We boarded a boat from Customs House, and were dropped off at the America. Going over, the sea became very rough, and I nearly became sick.

    On board we were taken along a hangar, where we saw a helicopter and some aeroplanes. We also saw a Marine in his uniform. He had in front of him all the ammunition and guns that the Marines used in battle.

    Then by lift we went up onto the deck where we saw the steam catapult, some more aeroplanes and one more helicopter. On deck we found that the runway was very hot, and when we walked on it we found that we got some black stuff on our shoes.

    After our visit on deck we went down by lift to the hangar, where we saw the inside of an aeroplane and some of the shells they used.

    When we had seen all these we joined a queue waiting to get a boat back to Customs House.



    I watched, silent, still, lest I should frighten him, His shining black hide was silver with moonlight And his green eyes moved strangely As he stood, mane blowing in the breeze.

    He stood alert his four feet apart, Hooves dug firmly into the ground,

    Neck arched gracefully His keen nostrils searching the cool evening air,

    Searching for even the smallest scent that might portray danger,

    And then, Suddenly,

    His muscles taut under the black hide,

    He reared. He galloped towards the distant hills,

    His home from whence he came.

       LESLEY BURTON — 1A2


         2A2 working in the Physics Laboratory        


    Half seven time to rise.,

    And wash the sleep from your eyes,

    Twenty to eight break your fast,

     Eight o'clock, off to school at last.

    Mathematics, English and R.K. you do,

    All this is absolutely piled on you,

    Half past three time to go home,

    The time has just simply flown.

    Do your homework, have your tea,

    Then sit down and watch T.V.

    An interesting programme all about fishes.

    But you are called to dry the dishes.

    Then its time to go to bed,                   

    All these thoughts are still in your head,

    Life's supposed to be happy,

    Life's supposed to be gay,

    But it never seems to be that way. 

      ANDREW HAY — 1A1.



  • Rattling, rusty grocer's van roaring through the streets

    Stopping now and then at the housewives' doors,

    With a cargo of bacon,

    And cheese and butter,

    Baked beans and Tide bar and Flash for the floors.

    Luxurious ocean liner lazing in Grand Harbour,

    Cruising to America from the Ionian sea,

    With a cargo of passengers,

    And swimming pools and cinemas,

    Deck chairs and towels and hot cups of tea.

    Silver, shining aircraft soaring through the sunset,

    Flying home .to London to the fog and rain,

    With a cargo of salesmen,

    And soldiers and nurses,

    Tourists with sunhats and trays made of cane.










    PRIZE DAY — 26th NOVEMBER 1965

    Mr. Chairman, Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The most disturbing thing about prize days from a headmaster's point of view, is the speed with which they seem to come around. No sooner is one over than the next one is looming up, and one has to decide who to ask to give away the prizes. This is an important decision, because that lucky person also has the vital job of livening up the proceedings after the headmaster has sent everyone to sleep with his annual report — so one must choose carefully. But I could not have done better than to ask His Excellency Sir John Martin, and on behalf of the school I should like to say how glad we are to have him and Lady Martin with us today, and we hope that we shall see them here on many other occasions. We are glad too, to have the Commander-in-Chief with us, and are only sorry that Lady Hamilton could not accompany him.

    Perhaps one reason why this school year has gone so quickly is that it has been an unusually full one. It opened with the bang of Malta independence and thereafter the pace of events has never seemed to slacken: so I have had to be selective about what to include in this report, and you can assume that activities which are not mentioned have followed the usual pattern and become an established and valued part of school routine.

    The school has remained remarkably constant in size throughout most of the year with about 850 pupils, but Its make-up has changed appreciably. We have lost about 70 Navy pupils compared with a year ago, but gained roughly the same number from the R.A.F. and there are now as many R.A.F. service children here as Navy and Army together — although the attached U.K. based civilians rather restore the balance. The school is thus a good example of inter-service co-operation, and I am very pleased to have so many pupils from the other two Services under my care.

    I would point out however, that having them under my care implies during school hours only. Behaviour in the school has been very satisfactory, apart from that of a few troublemakers — who shall remain nameless; and it is quite clear from what parents and visitors tell me, that the school enjoys a very good reputation far and wide, and this reflects great credit on our pupils. But there are a few who let the side down by their behaviour out of school, and I do wish that their parents would take a greater interest in their activities. I fully appreciate the pressure that is brought to bear on parents when so many children today are given more freedom than they are mature enough to handle, but giving way in the name of broadmindedness, when one knows in one's heart that one is simply taking the easy way out, is no answer to the problem. It is essential to know where one's children are, and with whom — and I find it most disturbing to learn how many parents do not know.

    We have had a very large upper school again this year — that is 4th, 5th and 6th forms, and for a time we had difficulty in providing them with enough text books. I have to estimate my book requirements in April, but unfortunately do not know until September how many children there will be. However, we got over the difficulty eventually and most of our examination candidates did quite well at the end of the year.

    The whole of the upper school is now run on comprehensive lines and all children in those forms have some choice of subjects. This means that over 300 children are working to individual timetables. We perhaps allowed too much choice this year, which made it difficult to keep track of what individual children were doing — and some were not always doing what they were supposed to be doing — so I have reduced the choice for next year's fourth form. But generally speaking the school timetable functioned well, and Her Majesty's Inspectors who carried out a general inspection of the school last March, had few serious criticisms to make about the curriculum. We are awaiting their official report with interest.

    Perhaps I should explain that service children's schools overseas are inspected regularly by H.M.I.'s from the Department of Education and Science, and much more frequently than schools in the U.K. We get a fairly thorough going over every four years, whereas most schools at home have to wait seven years of more. Our inspection this year was combined with a conference on the Certificate of Secondary Education, or C.S.E. It was run by the H.M.I.'s and attended, not only by teachers from this school, but by others from the Army secondary schools in North Africa and heads of most of the service primary schools in Malta. We were also pleased to have with us Chevalier Vassallo -the Director of Education for Malta, and one of his deputies — Miss Mortimer. The conference enabled us to clarify our thoughts about this new examination and decide how and to what extent it would affect us in Malta.

    You may not know that this examination is intended to replace a number of others run in the United Kingdom by various independent bodies which have no connection with, or control by, the Department of Education and Science. Schools taking these examinations must, of course, follow the syllabuses set by the independent bodies and the result has been in the past, that syllabuses taught in schools have been dictated very largely by these bodies. In the new examinations the syllabuses are drawn up by teachers representing the schools in a large area — for example, we belong to the Southern Regional Board which covers most of southern England -- and so the dependence of schools on independent examining bodies is being broken. The standard of the new examination is intended to be slightly below that of G.C.E. but it is being linked to it by the fact that a grade 1 pass in C.S.E. is designed to be equivalent to a G.C.E. pass at 'O' level. Thus a child who is unlikely to pass at '0' level is now advised to sit for C.S.E. instead. If things go very well and he gets a grade 1 pass, he can use this as the equivalent of an '0' level pass for an increasing number of purposes: but if he doesn't reach that standard, he may still leave school with a C.S.E. certificate, which may be very useful to him when he starts looking for a job. This doesn't mean that almost every child leaving school in future will get one of these certificates — but something like twice as many will get them, as now leave school with G.C.E. The others, I am afraid, are still not catered for. It is inevitable that the new examination will be regarded with suspicion by many people, including parents, for some time to come, but there can be little doubt that eventually it will replace G.C.E. O' level altogether, and pupils going on to higher education will go straight to 'A' level. But that will take a long time to establish.

    We only entered a few candidates for the C.S.E. this year, for trial purposes, and the results were quite encouraging. From the forty three papers taken, there were seven grade 1 passes, and only five candidates failed to obtain a certificate.

    Our 'O' level result with 61% passes were not up to last year's high standard but there were a number of excellent performances. One of our boys obtained five grade 1, one grade 2, and one grade 3 passes, and thirteen candidates passed in five subjects or more.

    The advanced level results were very satisfactory with 64 passes at 'A'level, 8 at 'O' level and only 6 failures, out of 78 papers taken; and there were 8 passes out of 11 in the special papers, 2 candidates obtaining distinctions. We have never had so many 'A' level passes as this before. One of our candidates - Aline MacDougall -- obtained two grade 'A' passes at 'A' level after only one year's post 'O' level work -- quite an outstanding performance, and incidentally she was awarded a scholarship to Millfield School, where she hopes to take a further two 'A' levels next year. I have recently heard that another of our pupils who left last July - - Deborah Lowe - - has also been awarded a scholarship to the same school, this time for music.

  • Our entry for the Royal Society of Arts examinations was appreciably smaller this year than last and the results obtained were not quite so good, with 53% passes against 55%. Apart from a few candidates who will be entered for physics next year this is the last time we shall use these examinations at the school. Our candidates did very well in the Pitmans shorthand and typing examinations, which they took for the first time instead of the R.S.A. 59 papers were taken and there were 40 passes.

  • I have spent rather a long time on examinations, but I hope you won't get the impression that they are the be all and end all of life at this school. There are a host of extra curricular activities which are just as important in their way, and most of them are very well supported. The Literary and Debating Society, the Science Society, the Art Club and the Dramatic Club have all been very active. Verse speaking and public speaking competitions have been held and there have been some excellent stage productions; the Beggar's Opera, which the school put on last Christmas; the Ugly Duckling, which the four school Houses each produced for the Junior Drama Festival; April Shower, a review which was put on last Spring, and the School Concert, which was held in June; and also the monthly concerts which are held during the lunch hour. All of these activities take up a tremendous amount of time of both staff and pupils, but I am glad to say that this time is given very willingly.

  • One activity which has shown particular development this year has been the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme, and the boys' section in particular has done very well to gain its first Gold award. The badge will be presented today, but the recipient, Michael Gillham, had the pleasure of going to Buckingham Palace a few days ago to receive his certificate from His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Altogether 11 pupils won the Bronze award, 6 the Silver and 1 the Gold.

  •  A school function which deserves special mention is the Open Day, which was held last May. It was somewhat different from past Open Days in that there was a great deal more for parents to see. There were the usual exhibitions of art and crafts and a gym display, but demonstrations of rock climbing, put on by some of those taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Schemes, and ballroom dancing, and a fashion display given by the Needlework Department, with dresses made by girls, and sometimes with fabrics designed and printed by them, were some of the new items.

  • Another new venture was the showing of the Marriage Guidance Bureau film "Learning to Live" to senior pupils and their parents, so that they would have some common ground for discussion on this important subject at home. Parents were invited to see the film alone first and discuss the implications with me and members of the staff before seeing it with their children. I was very gratified by the large number of parents who attended both showings, and the responsible attitude of the pupils.

  • Another new development which I am particularly glad to report is the combined morning service for children and staff of all denominations, which is now held in this hall every Wednesday. Perhaps one should not attribute too much significance to a short act of corporate worship of this kind, but I cannot help feeling that it may help some of our pupils in later life to develop a more tolerant attitude towards other people and their beliefs, than they might otherwise have done.

    The school has had a full programme of sport. Sailing has continued to be very popular with the senior pupils. During the year 7 pupils passed their helmsman's test to sail R.N.S.A. 14 ft. dinghies, and a further 9, already qualified on these dinghies, obtained their helmsman's qualification for the more advanced Swordfish. Our boys have given good accounts of themselves at soccer, rugby, cricket and cross country running, though without achieving spectacular success at any. The two real blots on their copy book were their 3 to 1 defeat at soccer, and their thrashing at cricket, by the school staff, but they put up a good performance at athletics by carrying off the Senior and Junior Shields and the Aggregate Cup at the Malta Inter-School's Athletics Championships. Our girls had a rather more successful season and lost only one match at net-ball, and finished all square at hockey. They were active at lifesaving and between them they won 48 certificates of the Royal Life Saving Society.

    Undoubtedly the most spectacular development at the school during the past year has been on the material side. Our new library has been a great success and called for special comment from the H.M.I.'s; our new science laboratory has worked out very well and has gone some way towards providing the science facilities we need; the alterations to our commercial subjects room have improved the facilities enormously, and we how have a small office attached to it where the more advanced girls can get some real experience in office practice. In a large number of classrooms, and in the dining hall, the rough concrete floors have been replaced by attractive tiles, or other surfaces; and as you may have noticed, a great deal of decoration has been done. Most of the buildings have been painted externally and quite a number have been decorated inside as well. Further improvements have been made to the school toilets and these are now all tiled throughout. After the school inspection one of the H.M.I.'s said to me "Captain Broad. I should like to congratulate your school Warden on the way he keeps the school clean, and in particular the toilets. I have never seen toilets so impeccably clean in all my experience". Praise indeed for Mr. Plant and his staff!

    We have an even more ambitious programme of improvements for the future. We hope to have, by this time next year, extra science laboratories for sixth form work and a general preparation room for science; improved ventilation and insulation for this hall which gets unpleasantly hot in summer and cold in winter; new administration offices with their entrance facing the entrance to this hall; additional covered ways so that the children can move about the school in wet weather without getting soaked; improved shower facilities with hot water in the changing rooms, so that the children can wash adequately after games; and a language laboratory, which is a room specially adapted for language teaching, where the children can listen to their own pronunciation and correct their faults. We also hope to have more storage space in which to keep the large amount of equipment Which the school is slowly building up; and three additional hard tennis courts.

    This is quite a formidable programme and will cause a great deal of dislocation to school routine after Christmas, but it's inconvenience which I hope everyone will bear gladly.

    Another important new facility which we hope to get are some playing fields of our own, near the school, and we are grateful to the Army for having undertaken to do the initial levelling of the ground, as a training exercise. When the grounds are ready they will be most welcome: we have found it increasingly difficult to get enough service pitches since a number of service establishments have closed down, and it is a great waste of the time allocated for games if the children have to spend 30 minutes or more of it travelling in buses.

    The H.M. Inspectors were, most concerned about the shortage of games facilities for the children, and in view of the distances which have to be travelled to the service grounds, they advocated that we should aim at being as self-contained as possible for sport. They recommended that we should have our own swimming bath in the school grounds --a facility which headmasters of Tal-Handaq have been asking for years; and they also proposed a sports hall, which is a roofed-in hard playing area, where out door games could be played all the year round. I very much hope that we shall get both of these facilities in time, but I would like to think that the swimming bath will materialise soon. Another major need, and a long standing requirement, is a new school hall, which would free this building for use as a second gymnasium, but this will be an expensive item and we shall probably 'have to wait a long time for it.

    The school meals have been satisfactory but it is disappointing that less than a quarter of the children take the lunch, and most prefer to bring sandwiches. We introduced soup as an alternative to the lunch last Autumn, and for a while it was very popular, but its popularity soon waned, and by the end of the school year only a dozen or so pupils were taking it. The meal at 2/-d. and the soup at 3d. are certainly good value, but they are clearly not appetising enough to attract the majority of the children. The school milk on the other hand, which is flavoured and cooled is very popular: but the fact that it is also free may have some bearing on this !

    I am glad to say that the health of the pupils has been satisfactory throughout the year, and they have been very we'll looked after by the school doctor and dentist, and by the school nurse. Sister plays a very important part in school life and I really don't know what we should do without her. The staff have not been so fortunate over health and several have had periods in hospital themselves, or serious illness in their families. The death of Mr. Tatton's wife last summer shocked us all and I hope that the sympathy and understanding of his colleagues have been of some help and consolation to him.

    There have not been many changes of staff at the school during the past year, but we have said goodbye to some old friends, including Mr. L.C. Smith, who I believe is now teaching in the Channel Islands, Mr. Lowe, who has a most interesting job in Somerset teaching Art and Drama to senior students, and Mr. Tierney who is now teaching in Northumberland. Mr. Tierney was a member of our teaching staff for ten years — longer than anyone now serving here, apart from Miss Yule. We also said goodbye to Instructor Commander Currie, my Deputy, who was responsible for the monumental task of producing the school timetable and making it work; and Benny, our utilicon driver, who served the school so faithfully for a full twenty years. We miss them all, but extend a hearty welcome to the new staff members who have replaced them. In particular, to Instructor Lieutenant Commander Coupe, my new Deputy. He wild need all his strength and a good sense of humour if he is to survive !

    We have also bade farewell to Captain Trythall, the Captain of the Fleet, who among his many duties, kept an eye on the schools for the Commander-in-Chief, and administered the Commander-in-Chief's Block Grant, from which all of our new works were financed. He has .been a particularly good friend to the school and I should like to thank him in his absence for all he has done for us. If his successor, Captain Hay, whom we are glad to have with us today, gives us the same support, as I am sure he will, we shall indeed be fortunate. I should also like to express my gratitude to the Regional Director of the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works -- Sir Leslie Tyler -- and those who work under him, for the co-operation they have shown over the new building. And to those many other friends of the school who have invariably said yes, when I or other members of my staff have asked for their assistance, may I say thank you to them collectively, because time precludes me from mentioning them by name.

    We have had a number of important visitors during the year, who have all been very welcome, but we were particularly glad to see here last May, and shortly before his retirement, the Director of the Naval Education Service, Instructor Rear Admiral Sir Charles Darlington, and his wife, Lady Darlington. Naval children's schools are one of the many responsibilities of the Director, Naval Education Service and I was glad to show Admiral Darlington round the school before he retired. He had fought many battles on paper for us at headquarters, to get extra staff, or money, or improved conditions, and I am sure that after seeing the school in such a healthy condition, he must have felt satisfied that his efforts had been worth while.

    News of old pupils reaches us at odd intervals and a few old pupils drop in to see us from time to time. It is always nice to hear from them or see them, and they all seem to have a very warm affection for their old school. Some of those who left last summer have done quite well: so far as I know, six gained university places, two obtained service cadetships, three went to art schools, two to advanced secretarial colleges, six to teachers training colleges, three took up nursing or allied careers and one took up librarianship: and there were quite a number of boys who went into the Services either as boy entrants or apprentices. It would be nice to know what happens to all our pupils when they leave, but until such time as Miss Yule retires, and runs an Old Pupils Association for us, I cannot see that happening.

    Now before I close I would like to add a few words of appreciation to my staff; to the bursar and office staff for the willingness with which they tackle anything which comes along, and to my secretary in particular for her patience in deciphering my illegible handwriting: to the school warden and his family for giving up so much of their own time for the well being of the school, and to the industrial staff for taking pride in keeping it clean: and lastly to the teaching staff who give me such excellent support and work together as such a harmonious team. I can assure you that such harmony is not to be found in every staffroom.

    The picture I have painted is one of change and development but continuing tradition, and that has been true of the school ever since it started here in 1945. It seems to me that that familiar phrase:

    "Plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose" sums up the position perfectly — and I hope it always will.

       At the Anvil



                                      Stephen Spence, Alfred Tagliaferro, David Dugmore, David Hopkinson.


    The school table tennis team consists of three players and one reserve, David Duigmore (Captain), Stephen Spence (V. Captain), David Hopkinson, and Albert Tagliaferro reserve.

    Both D. Dugmore and S. Spence have strong forehand and backhand slamming strokes enabling them to be offensive players, whereas D. Hopkinson is a good defensive player who spins the ball very effectively. A. Tagliaferro has a very strong service and forehand slam, resulting in many games to his credit. The doubles pair of Dugmore and Spence, were successful in that they were only defeated once during the entire season.

    During the past year the team has been quite successful although we have played against strong opposition. At the end of thej season the school team came third in the 'C' league championship.

    In the knock out competition of March 1966, we were very unfortunate to be matched against the eventual winners, namely H.Q. Troops, who managed to beat us six games to four.

    , -

    Gaynor Hamley, Elizabeth Forrester, Sally Rathmell, Sarah Jeffries,

    Robina Hopkinson, Pat Elliot, Kitty Chaytor, Alicia Eichmann, Helen Rourke,

    Anne Gardiner, Sadie Lendrum, Betty Elliott, Angela Radley.


    The First XI has played five games this season, and during the Easter holidays we were lucky to be able to enter the six-a-side tournament at Coradino, coming second to Luqa Ladies.

    Results have been quite good, apart from one match against the Wrens, for the team consisted of a number of reserves. However, we beat them in the tournament. All members of the team played well, playing better as a team at the close of the season, when they had had more practice.

    On behalf of the team I would like to thank Miss Melling for arranging the matches, and for all the help and encouragement she has given us throughout the season.

    The team consisted of: —

    G.K. Sarah Jeffries, L.B. Betty Elliot, R.B. Anne Gardner, R.H. Pat Elliot, C.H. Robina Hopkinson (Capt.), I.H. Angela Radley, R.W. Sadie Lendram, R.il. Elizabeth Forrester, C.F. Kitty Chaytor, L.I. Sally Rathmel, L.W. Gaynor Hamley.

    Others who played:— Alicia Eichman, Helen Rourke, Terry Reddick.

    Colours presented to:—A. Radley, G. Hamley, S. Rathmell.

    Old colours:— R. Hopkinson. Results: Played 5, Won 3, Lost 2, Drew 0, Goals For 6, Against 7.


    Gillian Witherspcon, Gaynor Hamley (Captain), Sally Rathmell, Estelle Huske, Anne Gardiner, Robina Hopkinson, Betty Elliott, Jane Baxter.

    NETBALL 1965-1966

    Although the First VII only played four matches this season, the team was always well-balanced, and good netball was played throughout the year. We were fortunate in having several experienced players in the team who, when playing in formation, provided an invaluable attacking side.

    On behalf of the team I would like, to thank Mrs. McGillivray for organizing the matches, and for all the help and encouragement she has given us throughout the season.


    School VII 19 goals  Whitehall Wrens 23 goals

    School VII lost to Whitehall Wrens. (One post was broken so a point system of scoring was improvised).

    School VII 22 goals  St. Angelo Wives 8 goals

    School VII 26 goals  St. Angelo Wives 12 goals

    The following girls have played in the First VII:

    G.S.: J. Baxter; E. Husk; G.A.: R. Hopkinson; W.A.: S. Rathmell; G. Hamley; W.D.: B. Elliot; G.D.: J. Mogridge, A. Gardner; G.K.: L. Barnett, G. Witherspoon.

    Colours were presented to: R. Hopkinson, S. Rathmell. Old colours: G. Hamley.

    GAYNOR HAMLEY — (Netball Captain).


    Barry Clissold, Ken Laurence, Reg Woodcock, Jack Ferrett, Brian Jackson,

    Nigel Vaughan, David Jeffries, Ronald Squires, Malcolm Smith, David Pittaway,

    Alfred Tagliaferro, Jon Field, John Moore, Michael Robinson, Steve Bolster,

    Colin Rule, Richard Knapman, Wilde.

    RUGBY 1965-1966

    During the past season the School Rugby XV played nine matches, seven of which were against adult sides. Despite, a considerable disadvantage in both weight and experience the school managed to gain three wins and two draws, losing only four times, twice by an extremely narrow margin. Team spirit was exceptionally good --on one occasion a twelve point deficit was turned into a one point victory — and the general standard of play improved considerably as the season progressed. This very satisfactory record might have been improved upon still further had it not been for one or two unfortunate injuries especially that which prevented B. Jackson from playing in five of the matches.

    Considerable credit must be given to the forwards who fought heroically on several occasions against much heavier service packs. This was in large measure due to the leadership and personal example of J. Ferrett who was outstanding in all games. R. Knapman gained valuable possession from the lineout, whilst N. Vaughan, S. Bolster and D. Pittaway were always prominent. R. Woodcock had a fine season at wing forward.

    The backs at times were rather disappointing and did not live up to their early season promise as a dangerous attacking force. However, their defensive play was at all times very sound, with B. Clissold, especially, producing some destructive tackling. The backs were very well led by K. Laurence whose strong running and accurate kicking proved decisive in several games. The main fault was, in the absence of B. Jackson, a settled half-back combination. A. Tagliaferro proved to be a sound full back.

    Next season there will be many vacancies to be filled, so all those interested remember — early season practices are vital!

    Colours retained by: B. Jackson, J. Ferrett, K. Laurence, R. Woodcock, R. Knapman.

    Colours awarded to: N. Vaughan, S. Bolster, B. Clissold. Results:

    v. Hawks 'A'  0 — 3.   v. Luqa 'A' 6 — 3   v. Mr. Jackson's XV 8 — 8  v. Exiles 3 - 16  v. Exiles 3 - 3

    v. Hawks A  13 - 12  v. HMS Defender 9 - 6  v. Hawks A 8 - 11  v. Mr Jackson's XV  10 - 19



    Early trials suggested that the team would have positional problems, but these were overcome in the first few matches and the team settled down to become a strong unit.

    Opposition from the R.A.F. and Army was particularly strong this season, and the School XI mat sides which had been very successful in their own Service competitions. The standard of play was always good, the matches were keenly and evenly fought, and the Services offered us more fixtures than we could meet. Results were generally close, and particularly encouraging performances came from Vaughan (goal), Pittaway, Lawrence and Mattingly (defence), and the inside-forward trio of Spence, Hopkinson and Brewster.

    The School beat St. Edwards and (alas!) the Staff.

    Congratulations to all who represented the School at any time during a most interesting and challenging season.

    A former R.N. School pupil, G, Lyall, was transferred recently to Preston for £10,000 and is playing regularly for the 2nd Division side.

    E. J. LEWIS.


       Cricket XI  1965 - 1966

     David Scott, Michael Woodcock,

     Richard Knapman, Peter Ross,

    Jack Ferrett, David Jeffries,

     Stephen Commons, Colin Millard,

     Roger Simpson, John Moore.





    RN League: School 85 Bighi 74,  School 143  Lascaris 96,  Zebbug 61 School  65 for 4,  School 96 Zebbug 48, School 74 Bighi 43,

      School won the Naval League.    Staff 164 for  6  School 39.

    The school team enjoyed a successful season thanks largely to the contributions of the staff. Lack of batting skill among the boys is shown most clearly by the result of the Staff versus School match.

    For the first time in three years the Staff won. It was an overwhelming victory. Mr. Fuller produced an inspired spell of fast bowling and no school batman could combat it. It is hoped that next year the boys show more courage and batting technique. The standard of fielding was high and the bowling was varied and accurate.


    Practical arithmetic — shopping with 1C5


  •                                                                                                                  REPORT 1965-1966


    In the last competition the Drake Cricket Team beat Hawkins and lost to Nelson. With the team available this was a fair res-Tilt, the games being played in intense heat.


    Drake won the overall trophy at the gala in July. Although neither boys nor girls won their respective competitions we were a close second in each and so carried off the award. IAN O'BRIEN won the trophy for best boy swimmer, coming first in the senior diving and crawl events. CHRIS DEAKIN swam a great race to win the breaststroke title and the relay team were just beaten by St. Vincent. The juniors backed up well and we deserved our position.


    We came third this year, due mainly to the poor form of the senior team who did not win a match. Our junior teams exhibited a 'Jekyll and Hyde' form, winning their toughest matches and losing their easier ones.

    D. SPAFFORD gained a place in the school eleven.


    A fitting tribute might well be 'they also ran !' Our efforts fell short of the standard needed and we finished fourth.


    Once again we have had to wait until the rugby competition for the seniors to show their true mettle. Given little chance they beat Nelson 8-6, St. Vincent 3-0, and Hawkins 6-0, the games being every bit as close as the scores suggest. Although our other .teams tried hard they were unable to follow the example set by the seniors and overall we were third.

    D. JEFFRIES, C. RULE, B. CLISSOLD, J. FIELD, A. WILDE, M. WADDINGTON and M. WINKWORTH either played for, or were reserves for the school first XV.

    Public Speaking

    Only one senior boy could be induced to enter in this year's competition and MICHAEL WINKWORTH did us proud by coming a very close second.

    On behalf of the house I should like to thank Messrs. McAllister and Morris for their constant enthusiasm and help throughout the year.


                                                                                                                                                      REPORT - 1965-1966


    There was little support for the tennis this year but the team tried hard, Pat Elliot deserving special mention.

    The team consisted of: —

    1st couple: P. Elliot — B. Murphy. 2nd couple: J. Beadle — D. Prater. 3rd couple: L. Barnett, G. Evans. Reserve: J. Buscombe.


    This was well supported. The Senior Team were only just beaten by Nelson for first position. The Juniors, however, came 4th in position. This was not from lack of enthusiasm and I am sure that they will do much better next year with a little more practice.

    Seniors: J. Beadle, P. Elliot, E. Forrester, M.K. Allman, A. Eichman, S. Boyd, B. Elliott, G. Meade, D. Prater, E. Thompson, P. Buswell. Reserve: L. Lawrence.

    Juniors: L. Spencer, G. Polhill, J. Savage, M. Pilbworth, E. Vaughan, B. Hayhurst, M. Murphy, P. Cross, E. Walker, A. Coombes.


    The netball teams worked very well .together but were very unlucky. The Seniors came 3rd, and the Juniors came 4th.

    Seniors: P. Elliot, B. Elliott, J. Goddard, E. Forrester, E. Husk, G. Evans, G. Coe.

    Juniors: L. Spencer, J. Stratton, C. Stringer, M. Pillstwortlh, G. Polhili, E. Vaughan, K. Burgess.


    In the athletics meeting, Drake again came 4th due to a complete lack of support, mainly from the Seniors. However, thanks to a few enthusiastic girls we managed to pull up in some events. These girls were: —

    K. Goldsaek E. Vaughan S. Boyd E. Forrester

    1st Year. 3rd Year. 4th Year. 5th Year.

    We hope to get a lot more support next year to make up for the deplorable lack of it this year. Finally, I would like to thank Miss Melling for her unfailing and enthusiastic support. Thank you Miss Melling.

  • PAT ELLIOT — (Games Captain).

  • Public Speaking

    There was little or no support for this from the seniors, several girls letting us down at the last possible moment. Perhaps next year Drake Girls will not be quite so shy!

    Junior House Play

    The Juniors have supported this with a great deal of enthusiasm and rehearsals are going very well at the moment -- Good Luck on the day. I would like to thank those senior girls who are producing, making the costumes and doing the make-oip.

    We have almost finished knitting a blanket for charity and hope to send it off before the end of .the year. There, again, the seniors showed little enthusiasm. However, the 1st. and 2nd. year girls more than made up for this by their unfailing support. Well done!

    Diana Prater, our Games Captain left Tal-Handaq half way through the year, Pat Elliot taking on her position with Jane Beadle as Vice Games Captain,

    Finally, I would like to thank Miss Melling for all the work she has done and for all her welcome support and encouragement. Thank you Miss Melling.

    BARBARA MURPHY — (House Captain).

                           NELSON HOUSE - BOYS

    REPORT — 1965-1966


    Nelson finished fourth overall, with the Senior XI the mainstay of the house. For the seniors M. Cannon, R. Cannon, and R. Squires performed with distinction. The first years, after a drastic start to the season finished strongly, and we hope they will continue to do so next year. The second/third years were captained by Potts and well backed up by Turner, but results proved disappointing.


    Most disappointing results from the entire Nelson teams. Although the enthusiasm was there, the first year did not have the talent to gain a victory, and the second years showed a poor record. The third years, however, did manage to emerge victorious in their game against St. Vincent, O'Sullivan, Ross and Potts being the pick of the team. Although a large proportion of the seniors were in the school team, it was defeated in all matches, but outstanding performances came from Bolster and Squires.


    Nelson enjoyed a very successful season, winning the cricket fairly easily after two resounding wins over St. Vincent and Drake. Milton, Nicol, Cannon, Squires and Lawrence represented the School XI.


    Nelson put up a reasonable performance In this event, finishing 3rd. overall. Special mention is due to the first years for their extremely good win in their section. D. Coombes and S. Nicholas were 1st. and 2nd. respectively. We obtained 2nd. place in the Under 15 age group, providing the individual winner in Hayward. For the seniors Squires and Gold'ing did extremely well, and together with Jackson, represented the School in cross-country


    Due to a general lack of swimming talent we were unable to field a strong team and as a result finished third overall. J. Moore captained the team, and was the most successful swimmer for Nelson.

    Public Speaking

    Nelson once again took first place in this competition with very good speeches from our representatives. D. Radford won with a most intelligent speech on "The Royal Socialists Today".

    We have been unfortunate this year in losing several prominent members from the senior part of the House, and in losing our Games Captain, B. Jackson, for most of the year, due to injury.

    Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Lewis for all the encouragement and attention he has given to the house. I would also like to thank Mr. Tatton and Mr. Wilkinson for the support they give to the house.

    K. LAWRENCE — (House Captain). B. JACKSON — (Games Captain).

                          NELSON HOUSE - GIRLS

    REPORT — 1965-1966

    At the time of going to press only the Inter-House Public Speaking contest has been heJd. Nel'son did extremely well by winning the best speaker and the best house award. Our thanks and congratulations go to our team of speakers, David Radford, Greta Cantwell and Gaynor Hamley.

    Nelson is trying to complete a blanket for refugees, made up of knitted squares, but I am afraid our initial enthusiasm is waning. The response has come mainly from the Junior House and a few members of the fourth year. I would like to thank Virginia Hull who has had the laborious task of sewing the squares together.

    The Games Captain and I have had no difficulty in making up teams; and if the Juniors have not met with the success of the Seniors it is not through lack of enthusiasm. If this tremendous house-spirit continues Nelson should stand an excellent chance in the events ahead this year.

    Lastly, we would like to thank Miss Reed for her help and support during the year. I wish Nelson as much success in the future as it has experienced this year.

    SUSAN TOLSON -- (House Captain).


    First of all I would like to say "well done" to all the girls in Nelson because they have all played their part in this years activities. But the girl who has done the most for the house in all the sports must be, I think Gaynor Hamley. I don't think that there is anything that she did not do well in. Thank you.


    The Nelson Senior Team played extremely well and won the Inter-House Tournament.

    1st couple: A. Gardener — Gaynor Hamley. 2nd couple: Kitty Chaytor, Helen Rourke. 3rd couple: Susan Tolson — Anne Dennison.


    Again the Senior team played well and managed to gain first place in tihe House Tournament. The Juniors unfortunately did not manage to do so well but they showed great enthusiasm.

    Reserves: L. Thomas, S. Bird.

    Senior Team Sara. Jeffries Anne Gardener Jan Mogis Angela Radley Susan Tolson Helen Rourke Kitty Chaytor Jackie BuM) Anne Dennison Susan Crawford Gaynor Hamiley Reserves: .

    Junior Team

    GK Kathleen Wells  LB Roseanne Nannary  RB Anne Osborne  LH Janet Knight  RH Caroline Dickson  CH Ann Martin  CF Ann Watson

    LI Anne Pommary  RI Elizabeth Davis  RW Susan Bird  LW Angela Stubbs

    Reserves: L. Thomas, S. Bird.


    Nelson's Senior Team played very well in all the matches but were just beaten in the final match St. Vincent. Again the Juniors did not do very well but they put a great deal of effort into their games.

    Senior Team

    Kitty Chaytor G  Anne Gardener GD  Kathy Byrne WD  Gaynor Hamley C  Helen Rourke WA  Susan Crawford GA 

     Jane Baxter S
    Reserves: Angela Radley.

    Junior Team Valerie Grist Ann Watson Kay Scammel Julie Saunders Sheila Malcolm Anne Louise Osborne Anne Pommary Reserves: Janet Saddler.


    Nelson also won this event. This also includes the diving in which we came second. Both Jane Baxter and Janet Saddler did well. Other swimmers included: Jenny Smith, Tania Look, Gaynor Hamley and Janet Saddler.

    Nelson did well in the sports events this year but the two girls who did exceedingly well were Gaynor Hamley and Kay Scammel. But I think all the girls did their best and we deserved the second place we got.

    Last and not but not least I would like to say thank you to our House Mistress Miss Reed who has helped us a great deal and given us a lot of encouragement throughout the year.

    KITTY CHAYTOR - (Games Captain).


                         HAWKINS HOUSE - BOYS

    REPORT — 1965-1966

    In all a very satisfying year indeed, although this is not in itself evident in the fact that we came second in every event. On the face of it this is nothing to be over proud of, but when you realise how narrow the margin of defeat was in each case, a brighter light is thrown on our achievements. In all events the gap between capability and ability was bridged by no mean measure of house spirit. In no sphere of activity did David Pittaway, our Games Captain, or myself have any difficulty whatsoever in obtaining full, eager teams with reserves to spare.


    This was the event of the year for the seniors. Fielding a team that contained half the school team, they met with little opposition and consequently won all their games except one, this being the drawn game against Saint Vincent. O;ur Colts and Juniors, however, were not quite able to follow this magnificent example and, although proved quite capable in mid field, were not quite so skilful in front of the goal. We were thus beaten by a mere 2 pts in the final aggregate. J. Duff, D. Pittaway, D. Hopkinson, G. Halliday, S. Spence, and N. Vaughan excelled themselves in house games and proved also to be the backbone of the School XI.


    This was yet another hard fought competition, and our margin of defeat was as little as 9 pts in 150. Our first form team lacked talent and came third. Our second form team, however, came a very close second, the U XV's won and the seniors also came a close second. Our individual successes were extremely creditable. F. Rollinson came 1st in the 2nd form race, J. Mattingley and K. Lani'bden came 2nd and 7th in U XV and T. Rafferty and T. Mattingley came first and second in the Senior team. K. Lambden, F. Rollinson, R. MacMillan, D. Pittaway, J. Mattingley represented the house in the school team.


    This event proved to be the mirror image of the Rugby Competition, with the 1st formers winning all their games and the seniors not doing so well. The second form team were almost equally as successful as the 1st form and when

    the full team was available walked over all opposition, Rollinson excelling himself. The Colts were unfortunate in not having any dry pitches to play on and our exceptional threes never really got the chance to display their talent. They did, however, win two of their three games. The Seniors were slightly disabled by the loss of our Captain D. Pittaway and we won only one of three games. In the final aggregate we were beaten by 2 pts. N. Vaughan, D. Pittaway and G. Halliday played for the school XV.

    Public Speaking

    We were ably represented in this even by P. Edge who delivered an extremely humourous speech. We were, as usual, placed second.

    I would like to congratulate Saint Vincent on their success in the sporting field and for proving to be such sporting rivals. With the athletics, cricket and swimming still to come we hope we will be able to reverse the current situation.

    Finally I would like to thank Mr. Griffiths for the unending support he has given to all our activities.

    R. LEVIN — House Captain).


    REPORT — 1965-1966

    I would like to congratulate the House, particularly the Juniors, for an increased effort which has been rewarded by our results.

    The Junior House Play, which has been treated with usual enthusiasm, is well under way. Special thanks go to the Senior producers and to those girls who made the costumes.

    In the Public Speaking Competition, held in the Easter term, we were represented by Beryl George and Elizabeth Jamieson and came second.

    During the last two terms we have managed to knit enough squares to make half a blanket which we intend to join with St. Vincent's half. It is to be sent to the War on Want Campaign.

    Lastly, on behalf of the House, I would like to thank our House Mistress, Mrs. Gerrard, for her support and encouragement throughout the year.

    J. PERKINS, 5A — (House Captain). GAMES


    1st couple: J. Goldsack — S. Prater.

    2nd couple: A. Howe — J. Perkins.

    3rd couple: J. Moggeridge — A. Moss.

    Owing to the absence of several members of the senior school who were being interviewed in England, the strength of the Tennis Team was considerably weakened. However, all concerned played well and we managed to obtain 3rd position.


    Juniors: L. Olver, J. Hurst, J. Dunstan, J. Morley, M. McCosh, S. Sim-monds, A. Golding, L. Walker, L, Jensen, S. Edwards, D. Proctor. Reserves: E. Grant, V. French.

    Seniors: J. Jones, E. Jamieson, J. Matcham, L. May, C. Forrester, M. Jones, S. Prater, P. Tatton, G. Witherspoon, J. Perkins, J. Goldsaek.

    Lack of enthusiasm in the Senior School limited the choice of the team but those concerned, even though they played with determination, were no match for the stronger teams of St. Vincent and Nelson. Our final position was 3rd. The Juniors however, deserved the 2nd position they obtained. Their enthusiasm, I hope, will put the Senior girls to shame. Sarah Simmonds must be mentioned for her excellent play in the Junior team.


    Juniors: L. Olver, S. Simmonds, A. Golding, L. Jenson, S. Harks, W. Battleday, D. Bradley.

    Seniors: J. Goldsack, C. Forrester, V. Murry, W. Coupe, S. Pullman, G. Witherspoon, E. Jamieson.

    Despite the fact that our final position in the senior tournament was 4th the team played enthusiastically losing to both Nelson and St. Vincent by only one goal. The junior team was more successful and won the Junior Netball Gup.


    Despite some excellent individual performances and a good all round standard Hawkins just failed to w;n the Girls Athletic Cup although the House as a whole finished 1st. Congratulations to Caroline Forrester who repeated last year's performance and won the cup for the best girl athlete. Sarah Simmonds, Judith Cross and Jane Hurst also performed well.


    The swimming sports of last July must be mentioned here as they had not taken place before last year's magazine went to print. Hawkin's girls and the House as a whole came 3rd.

    Finally I should like to thank Mrs. Gerrard for her support and encouragement throughtout the year.

    JENNY GOLDSACK — (Games Captain).

                          ST. VINCENT HOUSE - BOYS

    REPORT — 1965-1966

    This must be one of the most successful years St. Vincent have ever had. To date we hold the swimming, cross country, rugby and football cups. A large part of the credit for this must be given to the excellent house spirit created by Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kitson and Mr. Tomlinson, our house masters.


    The House was given a good start by the second years who won all their matches, showing excellent team work, and the third years who won two out of three thanks to some powerful running by Frewing. This was backed up a week later by the seniors, led by the school rugby captain, J. Ferrett, who lost only to Drake in a tough match. The outcome of .the cup rested on the last game of the juniors, since we were only two points ahead of Hawkins. Fortunately our star player, Joe Walker, returned from the Devonia and Saints beat Nelson 24-0 to take t!he cup.


    Cross country running is essentially a team effort and in this respect St. Vincent excelled. Although none of our runners took medals for 1st. places, all the teams packed well to keep the scores low. Oustanding individuals though included Hackworthy in the 1st. year Pelan and Liddle in the 2nd. year, Kaslik and Macauley in the 3rd. year and Jenner, Tagliaferro and Ferrett in the seniors.


    In the past years St. Vincent has never excelled at this sport, but this reason saw them beating Hawkins by four points to take the cup. The 1st. years and intermediates (2nd. and 3rd. years) were very successful, both winning four of their six matches. Best players in the 1st. year were Stone, Moule and Butcher and in the intermediates Frewing, Caley and Stackpoole. The seniors, who did not have any real 'stars' apart from Knight, won only two games. Knight, Woodcock and Brewster represented the House in the school 1st. XI.


    Once again St. Vincent won the boys cup, this time being tlhe fourth year in succession. Worthy of mention in the juniors were Kaslik and Macauley, both swimming strongly in freestyle and breaststroke. In the seniors Knapman and Woodcock showed good form in the freestyle and relay. Woodcock and Smith came 3rd. and 4th. respectively in the diving.


    This year, with a big all-round effort, a great improvement was shown. The final effort made by our relay teams — four wins out of five and two records — was magnificent, but not quite sufficient to dislodge Hawkins from first place. This was essentially a team effort, though Crimson was an outstanding individual in the fourth year.

    In the annual Public Speaking full credit moist be given to the girls who were poorly supported by .the boys. Events still to come are swimming and cricket, so with a little luck and a final effort, St. Vincent could be 'the champion house.

    To sum up the Games Captain and I would like to wish the 'Saints' all .the best in the future and hope they are equally successful next year.


    (House Captain). (Games Captain).

                        ST. VINCENT HOUSE - GIRLS

    REPORT — 1965-1966

    This year the house has been fairly successful both in sports and general activities. The public speaking competition proved that we do have some competent, if reluctant, speakers ! Special credit should be given to both Penny Parker and Heather Eraser, who with their speeches came third and fifth respectively.

    It was decided at the beginning of the year to knit a blanket for charity, each girl knitting a number of small squares. The juniors were the more enthusiastic and contributed the majority of these. We finally got enough squares and teamed up with Hawkins to make a reasonably sized blanket which will be sent to a deserving cause.

    The junior house play has yet to come and shows great promise. Special credit and thanks to Mrs Reed, the producer, and of course the juniors themselves.

    Lastly on behalf of the house I would like to thank Mrs. Dewstowe, our House Mistress for her great help and encouragement throughout the year.

    LYNNE GREGORY — (House Captain).

    Games Report


    St. Vincent did relatively well this year, coming second to Nelson in a very close match. It is hoped that next year there will be a little more enthusiasm towards this sport.

    Representing the house were: —

    1st couple: Robin a Hopkinson — Jackie Houghton. 2nd couple: Lynne Gregory — Ann Elliot. 3rd couple: Valerie Burton - - Lynn Edmunds. Reserves: Linda Crisp -- Penny Parker.


    The seniors played well as a team, and won the senior cup. The last match against Nelson was a very good game, resulting in a very close score.

    The junior team also played well, winning two of their games, and drawing the third, but in the final result came second.

    Senior Team 

    GS Penny Parker  GA Robina Hopkinson (Captain)    WA Sally Rathmell    C Lynne Gregory 

    WD Penny Goodfellow   GD Ann Elliott  GK Lee Champ/Lois Reed 

    Junior Team  GS Lynne Gardner   GASheila Walton   WA Christine Knight   C Margaret Elliot   WDCarol Haye

    GD Pat Macauiey (Captain)   GKSusan Hall         Reserve: Lynda Gilbody.

    HockeyThe seniors came second, losing the last match to Nelson. The juniors played very well, winning the cup. Special mention must be made of the efforts of Pat Macauley, Susan Stanley, Margaret Elliot and Sheila Walton.


    GK Rosemary Fisher  RB Lee Champ  LB Lynn Edmunds   RH Penny Goodfellow   CH Robina Hopkinson (Captain)

    LH Penny Parker   RW Terry Reddick  RI Denise Humphries   CF Sally Rathmell   LI Ann Elliot   LW Lynne Gregory

    Reserves: Marjore Raffell.


    GK Sheila Walton   RB Evelyn Wison    LB Catrina Holland   RH Carol Pullman   CH Margaret Elliot   LH Carol Hay   RW Sue Knight

    RI Susan Stanley   GF Lynne Gardner (Captain)   LI Pat Macauley   LW Christine Thompson       Reserves: Sharon Neilan.


    Last year the house did not do very well in this sport. Special mention must be made of Marenka Kaslik, who won the senior girls diving, and was the backbone of our swimming team.

    St. Vincent gave an excellent performance, and won the girls athletics cup. Both juniors and seniors made a great effort, but many of our senior games players and athletes will be leaving at the end of .this term, so it will need a special effort from everyone next year, to maintain and where necessary to improve on this year's standard.

    On behalf of the house, I would like to thank Mrs. Dewstowe for all her hard work and unfailing support throughout the year.

    ROBINA HOPKINSON — (Games Captain).


    Two evil green lights move through the pale grass

    Four paws pad gently on the soft brown earth

    Whiskers brush against a stone

    A twig cracks

    All is now silent, All is now still

    A pounce, a squeak, a lick of lips

    All that is left

    A bundle of soft brown fur

    The cat has made its kill

    All is now silent, All is now still.





      UNDER 15 FOOTBALL XI 1965-1966.

    Mattingley, Fleming, Holcroft, Cannon, Smith, Falding, Rafferty, Seal, Cox, Gibbins, Frewin, Holland.


       School Records





    Bartholomew, Macmillan, Turner, Macauley, Rollison, Lamden.



    Another all too brief athletic season draws to a close with the school once more having an outstanding record.

    No less than ten boys' records and five girls' records were broken in our own Championships. Special mention must be made of John Field's Discus throw and Michael Elliot's High Jump. Both these athletes are very talented and have worked hard to master the technique of their events. I am sure it will be a long time before the new records are broken. Outstanding for the girls were the hundred yards and long jump records established by Penny Goodfellow.

    In the Malta Secondary Schools' Sports we would have carried all before us more convincingly than last year, unfortunately our record breaking Junior relay team was disqualified and this lost us the Junior Shield. We won the Senior Shield and the Aggregate Cup.

    At the M.A.A.A. Championships our athletes took several firsts and many more second and third places. New Championship and All-Comers records were created by John Field in the discus, Caroline Forrester in the one hundred yards for Junior Women and Ken Laurence, Brian Jackson, Ronny Leeman and Nigel Vaughan in the Junior Relay.

    Noteworthy Performances

    12 year old A. Barrett    100 yds.   12.9 secs.

    14 year old C. Harrison    880 yds.    2 mins. 20.0 sees.

              14 year old K. Franks     Junior Javelin     120 ft. 7 ins.

              14 year old    J. Nicholas      Long Jump     19 ft. 5 ins.
              15 year old    P. Goodfellow     100yds Girls    12.0 sees.                                     
              18 year old    M. Elliot        High Jump      5 ft. 9 ins.

    18 year old     J. Field         Junior Discus?  136 ft. 0 ins.

  • 14 year old    R. Folding, K. Franks, S. Holcroft, R. Field. 4x110 Relay  49.9 sees

  • 18 year old    K. Laurence, B. Jackson, R. Leeman, N. Vaughan.  4x110 Relay 46.8 sees.



    A sailing we shall endeavour to go Away jto the land to the Westward Ho.

    Like Colombus and Sir Francis Drake Tossing and floundering in their wake.

    As they seek their way to Adventure.

    They may be bold or even great. Yet still the lives were left to fate.

    But we shall succeed as brave men do Like Colombus and Drake and may be you

    For they have sought their way to Adventure.



    I am of the opinion that boys should learn to cook.

    Boys often have to live alone in flats and have to fend for themselves. As a result, the bachelors of the world often suffer from malnutrition.

    Most boys live with their family until the school-leaving age, and do not appreciate their meals. They eat without knowing what is on their plates. Soon they go and live alone, and are lost. Sometimes they do not have enough salary to stretch to restaurant meals every day, or they simply cannot be bothered. When a hot meal is not ready for them when they return from work, (they probably do not know how to light an oven) so they fix a light snack.

    More and more now, boys are taking cookery, in their G.C.E. courses, this is excellent, but I think it should be compulsory.

    Also boys should know what it is like to "slave over a hot stove," and to avoid the age-old argument of who works hardest, the housewife or husband.

    They think that the piping hot, four course meal required practically no preparation, whereas the husband had worked hard in the office all day, "adding up all those numbers."

    If men cooked they would know the actual cost of foods today, and enrichen their housekeeping allowance. But most men do not know, and refuse to listen to perfectly valid reasons allowance, I therefore firmly believe boys should learn to cook !



    The Royal Air Force acrobatic teams over the past few years have been the best in the world and have won many trophies. This years team "The Red Arrows" have already proved their skill after representing the Royal Air Force last year.

    The team fly in seven Gnat T1 aircraft the advanced trainer for the R.A.F. and are painted red for easy viewing and brilliance of spectacle. The pilots are amongst the worlds best instructors from the Central Flying School and have carried out marvellous displays in Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, Germany and England which have included manoeuvres such as the Grand Finals consisting of the 'Bomb Burst' and 'Russian Roulette'.



    An eclipse in Malta is not usually a full one. The one I am describing took place on the morning of May 20th between 8.50 and 11.45.

    The morning began cloudy and became more clouded over as the morning increased. Some borrowed pieces of smoked glass were handed round the class, and members of the form had a turn at looking through a glass at the oncoming eclipse.

    The clouds began to form a circle round the sun, and .the atmosphere was silent and dull. The moon slowly but surely hid the sun, as it passed between us and the sun.





    Under 12 1/2                                 1st                                      2nd                                         3rd





















    12 1/2 _ 14

















    St. V




    14 — 15 1/2





















    Over 15 1/2










    St. V

     Freestyle                 A          Sinclair               D         D.    Prater                  D         M. Kaslik             St. V

    Under 14 Relay         Nelson                                     Hawkins                                  Drake

    Over 14 Relay           Drake                                      Nelson                                   St. Vincent

    Under 14 Diving        J. Hirst                           H      F. Hibbs                St. V              S. Holt                D

    Over 14 Diving        M. Kaslik                   St. V         J. Baxter                N              G. Sinclair            D

    Best Girl Swimmer:— JANE BAXTER.

    Girls Final Placings:— 1st Nelson 79 1/2  Points   2nd Drake  75 Points  3rd Hawkins  53 1/2 Points  4th St. Vincent 38 Points


    Under 12-1/2



















    Body St.





    12 1/2 __ 14




    A. P.


    Kaslik St.





    Kaslik St. Crossley

    V H

    T. B.

    Lilley McCauley St.

    H V

    14— 15 1/2



    Ibbs St.



    Ibbs St.










    Ibbs St.





    Over 15 1/2






    Deakin I. O'Brien

    D D

    N R.

    .Vaughan Woodcock St.

    H V

    R. R.

    Woodcock St. Knapman St.

    V V

    Under 14 Relay Over 14 Relay

    St. St.

    Vincent Vincent

    Drake Drake

    Nelson Hawkins

    Under 14 Diving Over 14 Diving


    A. Buckley O'Brien

    D D

    B. D.

    Mead Pittaway

    H H

    S. R.

    Mead St. Woodcock St.

    V V

    Best Boy Swimmer:- IAN O'BRIEN.

    Boys Final Placings : - 

    1st St. Vincent  90 1/2 Points    2nd Drake  59 1/2 Points    3rd Hawkins  49 1/2 Points  4th Nelson  46 1/2 points


    1st Drake  134 1/2 Points   2nd St. Vincent 128 1/2  Points    3rd Nelson 126 Points     4th Hawkins  103 Points




    Sir Francis Drake, upon the Hoe Was told th' Armada must be met. He calmly signalled to the foe "My English homework's not done yet".

    The blizzard raged, supplies were low, The brave remaining four fought on. And in their tent midst Arctic snow, They got their English homework done

    In Afric's dark and steaming glade At last the two explorers met; And Stanley then his question laid, "Done your English homework yet?".

    Hilary and Tenzing climbed Until they stood on Everest's peak. Triumphantly .the heroes chimed, "There's been no homework yet this week".

    In Space the capsule lost control And on its axis wildly spun. They then contacted Earth to call, "Our English homework's not quite done".

    Wilson, Heath and Grimond wait, For results to be imparted. Each is in a fearful state — English homework's not been started.

    Now its late and all in bed; I hope Miss Yule sleeps soundly, too; But here am I with throbbing head Because my English homework's due.




    A little red body leaps through the air Nobody knows how he got there ! Childish voices shout with glee, Look that squirrel tis he, tis he.

    On to a bough with sharp little eyes, looking about him some nuts he spies Ah ! they will do for my Winter store, Never too many let's find some more.

    Another leap and he's out of sight, Never a chance to say good-night Perhaps we'll see him at his play, When we. come out another day.



  • Spring has all the lovely flowers, And little girls pick them for hours, Now if you're careful you might see The little animals full of glee.

    Summer has come, the birds they sing, And the sweet tunes to our ears they bring, The animals collect their food to eat, Ready for their long, long sleep.

    When Autumn comes the trees grow bare, With leaves a-falling everywhere, The birds take to the wing once more, And fly away to a sunnier shore.

    When Winter comes and the snow lies deep, Then Mother Nature goes to sleep, And all the animals hibernate, Till up in spring they all awake.

    S. D. WIELAND 1B.




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